Chapter 35

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"So you're telling me you actually managed to talk with Peter yesterday?"

Lia nods, taking a sip of her Boba. "Yeah, I think it went pretty well."

Jisoo frowns. "Do you think he is finally going to be nice to you?"

Lia shrugs, honestly not sure. "He most definitely still dislikes me but I'm pretty sure he was with Chris this morning when I left. So I would say that that is an improvement."

Jisoo chuckles, finding it cute that Lia is happy about such a thing. Sure the fact that Lia was forced to marry a random man still was strange to her but it seems like Lia is warning up to the idea and doesn't mind living with the boys. "Okay but I need to know, who is the best cook?"

"Oh, definitely Lino. I have forbid Sam to even come near the stove after he nearly burned down the house by boiling water."

"Really? How did he do that?"

"So there was a towel too close by, he apparently didn't see it when he turned the stove on."

Jisoo laughs, shaking her head. "Oh my god, that's so funny."

Lia nods, placing her empty Boba cup down on the table.

"Excuse me, Miss Park?"

Lia looks up confused, frowning when she sees a reporter next to her. She puts on a fake smile, fixing her skirt. "What can I do for you?"

"We want to ask you some questions regarding your marriage. First of all, congratulations, who is the lucky man that got to marry a beautiful woman like yourself?"

Lia is taken back by the reporter, not sure what to answer. Jisoo had left for the toilet so she was on her own for now. "Thank you, I cannot disclose who my husband is. He uh..."

"Why not? He must be a good man if your father allowed you to get married at such a young age. The two of you must really love each other."

Lia nervously twirls her hair, getting overwhelmed. "Uh yeah, we love each other dearly. My husband doesn't like the media attention and wants to focus on his job." She takes a deep breath, happy she remembered what Chan told her to say if she ever got questions about him. "He is a very busy man."

"So what does he do for a living? Is he handsome? Do you plan on having children together?"

Someone places a hand on the reporter's shoulder, making the reporter turn around.

"I believe this lady was enjoying some time with her friend, it's impolite to bother her with these inappropriate questions about her personal life."

Lia frowns, having never seen the boy speaking before. He was pretty tall compared to the reporter, even the same height as the cameraman, wearing some nice clothing.

The reporter glares at the boy, not happy to be interrupted. "Mind your own business kid."

"It is my business if you are bothering a lady who is just trying to enjoy her lovely day without being interrupted by reporters. Honestly, you people should be fired for this."

The reporter rolls her eyes. "And who might you be? Speaking as if you're so important."

"I am..."

"He is wasting our time." A shorter boy appears behind the taller one, looking rather annoyed at the scene. "My apologies miss Park, I hope you will have a great day."

Lia smiles at the boy, nodding her head. "Thank you and it's truly alright."

The boy sends a glare to the reporter, who for some reason quickly leaves.

"Come on hyung, we need to go."

The taller boy smiles at Lia "I'm Alex by the way, nice to meet you."

Before Lia can introduce herself, Alex walks off, waving her goodbye as he and his friend leave.

"Who was that cute guy you were talking to? And why were those reporters there?" Jisoo sits back down at the table, needing to know what happened.

Lia sighs. "I honestly don't know who he is, he did say his name was Alex though. And the reporters were here to ask me about Chris, seeing as my dad only told the public I got married and not to who. So they tried to figure it out until these two kids showed up and made them leave."

Jisoo hums. "Well that's nice of them I guess."

Lia nods, still frowning. "Yeah, but they had this weird aura around them. Ad if they were going somewhere people their age shouldn't go to. Like did you see how they were dressed?"

"They were dressed as those rich kids at Han-Sol's school. They probably were just two kids hanging out here like we are."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Lia smiles at Jisoo, happy to have a best friend like her.

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