Chapter 8

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"You're late." Chan glares at Minho as the other walks into the office.

"Sorry, was fixing your problem." Minho rolls his eyes, taking the stack of papers he knows he needs to bring with him and puts them into his bag.

"My problem?"

"Remember your 18-year-old boyfriend? He seems to be on the verge of a breakdown because of you." Minho doesn't look at Chan, he just hopes that the other understands what he is trying to say.

"He probably just wants attention." Chan mutters, putting his own stuff into his bag. He flinches when Minho slams his fist on the desk separating the two of them.

"For fuck sakes hyung. Don't you fucking see how much you are hurting Jisung? This isn't about your marriage anymore, he is scared. Scared of you leaving, scared of you!" Minho takes a deep breath, now wasn't really a good time to argue with Chan but his need to protect Jisung is bigger than his loyalty to Chan.

"What?" Chan looks shocked and confused, not having expected Minho to snap at him.

"He is fucking scared of you. He thinks the same thing is going to happen again and it will be his fault again." Minho runs a hand through his hair. Jisung may had not said such a thing but Minho knew the younger, he knows he is blaming himself for everything that happened the day of the incident.

Chan just looks at Minho, staying quiet. He hadn't realized that Jisung was scared of him, he just thought the younger was being petty like he normally was when things didn't go his way. Minho shakes his head at the lack of response coming from the leader.

"Whatever, we have to go. The meeting with Mister Park is in less than half an hour." Minho picks up his bag, leaving the office. Chan blinks a few times, realizing he messed up again. He takes a deep breath, he will have to worry about that later. First he needs to get through the meeting, then he can figure out how to talk with Jisung.

Chan stops walking when he hears a slightly familiar voice, he grabs Minho's arm when he tries to walk passed him. The two hadn't really spoken with each other since the moment in Chan's office, only speaking when they needed for work related stuff. So when Minho throws Chan an annoyed look the older isn't surprised. "Someone else is here, from that group from the race."

Minho frowns, looking confused at Chan before he hears the voice as well. The two of them stay quiet, listening closely to what is being said.

"So your dad is making your sister marry a random man?"

"Yeah, he didn't even tell her who it is. So she asked me to figure it out, I'm pretty sure it's CB97 because it would be way too much a coincident if they both got married out of nowhere on the same day right?"

"I mean, it could be coincidence you never know Han."

"I guess, I'm still pretty sure though. We shall see, my dad is having a meeting with the man she is marrying right about now."

This makes Chan turn to Minho, because he had told Mister Park he would only come if no one else knew about the meeting. So how did a little kid find out about it.

"You should really stop hacking your own dad, what if he finds out?"

"I'm the middle child, he forgets I exists half the time."

Minho sees the boy shrug, he knew who it was but he is quit shock to know that he is the kid of one of the richest man in town. Minho looks at his watch nearly cursing when he sees the time. "Hyung we have to go in or we will be late."

Chan sighs, straitening his posture before continuing his way to Mister Parks office, he tries his best not to let his eyes wonder to where the two boys are sitting in the lounge. Minho follows him, smiling at the two boys who smile back at him. Soon the door opens and they are let into the room by Mister Parks assistant.

"Please take a seat, Mister Park will be with you shortly."

Chan and Minho nod, sitting down on the two chairs in front of the big desk standing in the middle of the room. A few minutes pass before the door opens again, reveling a tired and old looking man. "CB, LeeKnow it's so nice to see you boys again. How have the two of you been? Hope you have your suits ready for the wedding, everything is already set up I'm sure you are going to love it CB."

Chan gives the man a polite bow, while Minho tries his best not to roll his eyes at the older man. Mister Park sits down in his chair after giving both boys a big hug, as if they were his own sons. Minho clears his throat wanting this to get over as quick as possible so that he can go back and make sure Jisung and the others are doing okay.

"As lovely as this is Mister Park, we are here for business only. We don't have time for a silly chitchat." Minho looks at Mister Park with a straight face. Chan silently thanks Minho for taking the lead in the conversation, he may be the boss but Minho honestly does most of the important stuff when the two of them went out.

"Of course LeeKnow-shi wouldn't want to hold you up with your busy schedule." Mister Park tried his best to sound sincere but both Chan and Minho could see right through it.

"The wedding is in a week, we need proof of how you are going to protect our group. If you happen to break the deal, your precious daughter is left in our hands and we won't be nice. Our guys aren't too happy with the arrangement, so they will be more then happy to end it." Minho smirks, seeing Mister Park gulp. He was bluffing for the most part, he was pretty sure none of the guys would really go and kill off Mister Parks daughter but it was a good threat to use against the man.

"Now now, that won't be necessary LeeKnow. I have had contact with some of my people in the police force, they will try and stop officers to look for you. If one of your members gets arrested in this city make them ask for Kang Young-Hyun and he will take care of the situation." Mister Park waves his hands in front of him, not wanting anything bad to happen to his daughter as she is his pride and joy.

Minho smiles, nodding his head as he writes everything Mister Park is saying down. "Just know we have everything noted and recorded, go against us and we can destroy everything you have built."

Chan shakes his head, thinking that Minho might be too harsh on Mister Park but he couldn't care less. His mind kept wondering where he messed up with Jisung and how to fix their relationship before it starts to affect their work and friends if it hadn't already affected them.

"So CB, my daughter was wondering what colors you would want for the flowers."

"Whatever she likes will be fine with me, it's her big day so she should be able to decide. Tell her that my suit will be a simple black with white. My only request is that there will be cheesecake and chocolate cake."

Mister Park notes, writing everything down. "Is there a particular reason why those two cakes?"

"They are my favorite."

Minho scoffs, Chan didn't like chocolate cake and could barely stand cheesecake. The only reason he choose those two was because they were Jisung's favorite.

"Are we done? We have some issues at our house to deal with." Chan stands up, holding his hand out to Mister Park who nods. Mister Park stands up as well, shaking Chan's hand. He holds his hand out to Minho but gets ignored by him as Minho walks to the door to open it for Chan.

"See you next week at the wedding Mister Park." With that Chan and Minho leave the mans office, coming face to face with two teenage boys in school uniforms.

"This seems really bad, I promise we weren't listening in on your conversation with Mister Park." The oldest of the two bows, while the younger one just looks at the two of them.

"You're Soul and Icy from SiX right?" Chan whispers, not wanting Mister Park to over hear him. The two boys nod, slightly surprised Chan recognized them. "What are the two of you doing here? This isn't a play going for kids."

Soul rolls his eyes. "Minjun would say otherwise. I'm here to see my father, I have some business to speak with him about. You are kind of in the way."

Chan looks at him in shock, he hadn't realized earlier that it was Soul speaking about his dad marrying off his sister to some guy. "Sorry, we will be on our way. See you boys another time." Chan grabs Minho by the arm, dragging the younger out of the office building.

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