Chapter 11

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Lia sighs, closing her notebook. She has been trying to finish her homework for the past few hours but she just can't focus, all she can think about is the wedding that is happening in five days from now. She still doesn't know even who she is marrying, all that her father told her was that she can choose everything for the wedding and that her soon to be husband will be wearing a black with white suit. It was kind of sweet of him to let her decide on what she wants in the wedding because it's her day but she wished they could have just met before getting married and decide things together.

"Noona?" Han-Sol knocks on Lia's bedroom door, making her turn around.

"Come in."

Han-Sol opens the door, smiling when he sees his older sister. He steps into the room, closing the door behind him. In his hand he is holding a folder with a picture nearly falling out of it.

"What brings you here Hannie?" Lia frowns, confused why her brother suddenly decided to come by her room when he normally doesn't even come home until after dinner.

Han-Sol sits down on the end of Lia's bed, facing her while handing her the folder. "You asked me to figure out who you would be marrying right?"


"I figured out who he is, all the information I could find is in the folder. You should read it through carefully."

Lia gives Han-Sol a confused look as she takes the folder from him.

Han-Sol stands up from the bed. "Sorry I couldn't find more but hope this helps."

"Thank you, you're the best." Lia gives him a smile, happy her brother helped figure out this information for her. "Before you go, did you invite someone to the wedding? Dad told me all guest could bring a plus one."

"Yeah, Minsang is joining me. Don't worry we both will be wearing a suit." With that Han-Sol leaves Lia's bedroom, leaving his sister alone to figure out who she will be marrying.

Lia quickly calls Jisoo, asking her is she can come over so that they can find out who this guy is together.

"Okay so your brother gave you this folder with the information?" Jisoo is seated on the ground, leaning against Lia's bed. Lia nods, placing the folder in front of her. "How do we trust your brother? What if this isn't the guy?"

"I'm sure Han-Sol wouldn't just give me a random guys information. Maybe we can look him up on google after reading."

"Fine, let's see what guy is desperate enough to agree with your dad." Jisoo opens the folder, picking up the picture of the guy.

"I'm sure he has a good reason why. Hopefully it isn't just money." Lia mumbles, looking over Jisoo shoulder so that she can see the picture as well.

"Damn he is hot, you got lucky Lia."

"I guess." Lia frowns slightly, having a feeling she has seen the guy somewhere before.

Lia picks up the note Han-Sol has left in the folder. "I'm sorry for what you will find out, don't judge before you meet him. He actually is a nice guy." Jisoo looks at her, the both of them confused as to why Han-Sol would write such a thing.

"So your brother might know the guy? Isn't he like 16?"

"Yeah? I'm confused too but Han-Sol has a lot of older friends."

"Let's just read and we will figure out what he means in the note. I'm sure the guy is not that bad, no good looking guy is too bad, right?"

Lia shakes her head, laughing. "Let's see who I'm getting married to."

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