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[This chapter plays about a year into the future of the story, it will include tiny clues of what will happen in between but no big spoilers. I wanted to write this seeing as its stays birthday today, August 1ste. ENJOY.]

Day 1

"Does anyone know why hyun woke us all up this early?" Minho enters the livingroom, dressed in his pajama's.
Hyunjin shakes his head. "Nope, he just walked in, yelled for us to get up and then left again."
"I had to drag Felix out of bed " Seungmin mumbles, sending a glare to the blond. Changbin had his eyes close, leaning his head on Jisungs shoulder clearly still sleeping. Meanwhile Jisung is playing a game on his phone, not paying attention to anyone.

Lia enters the livingroom wearing a yellow sundress, looking confused when she notices that all the boys are still dressed in their sleep wear. "Why are you all still in your pajamas?"
"We just woke up?" Jeongin gives her a confused look.
"Chan didn't tell you where we are going?"
All boys besides 2racha shake their heads, having no clue what Lia is talking about. Lia face palms, she even told Chan that he should tell the boys where they were going, so they could get dressed accordingly. Before she can say anything though, Chan enters with a big smile on his face.
"Guys we are going to the beach."
The younger boys cheer while Minho and Jisung give Chan a weird look.
"The beach?"
Chan nods. "We're going on a 2 day trip to Lia her families beach house. Before any of you run off the pack, I have made a room arrangements. The house has 4 bedrooms, 3racha will share one, Minho has his own room, Lia will be sharing with Jisoo who is also joining us. The rest of you share the last one."
"What? Why does Minho hyung get a room for himself? That's so unfair." Hyunjin pouts.
Minho smirks, wrapping an arm around Hyunjin. "You can share with me Jinnie, if you dare."
Chan rolls his eyes. "Not happening."
"Why?" Hyunjin whines, he doesn't understand why he can't share a room with Minho.
"Reasons, now stop complaining or you're staying home." There was a reason why Minho is getting a room alone but Chan can't tell anyone yet, as it's a surprise for Minho that he doesn't want to be spoiled. "Now everyone go get packing."
Hyunjin sighs as Jeongin drags him to their room so they can start packing. Minho, Seungmin and Felix leave as well, leaving 3racha and Lia alone in the livingroom.

"Hyung, wake up. We're going to be beach." Jisung carefully shakes Changbin, trying to wake the other up.
"Beach?" Changbin slowly opens his eyes, giving Jisung a confused look.
"Yes, we are going to the beach!" Jisung smiles, bouncing up and down. He hadn't been to the beach since he was 16, but he absolutely loves it. He never really went much when he was a kid because his parents never had time to take him, first time he went was with Chan and Changbin and they made it the best day Jisung had ever had, so since that they the older two took him to the beach every change they had. Last time they went it had been night time, so they had laid on the beach watching the stars.
Changbin smiles, sitting up better. "Well let's go get ready then." He takes Jisung's hand, taking the younger with him to their bedroom to pack for the trip.
Chan and Lia watch the two of them with both a smile on their face, looking like proud parents, finding it adorable how soft Changbin is for Jisung.

Once all the boys have packed their bag they load into the car, driving to the meeting spot Lia and Jisoo decided on to pick up Jisoo. They didn't want to pick her up at her house, just in case. They then continue driving their way to Haeundae Busan, where Lia's families beach house is located.

"It's been a while since I went to Busan." Jeongin looks around, a smile on his face as he recognizes the area they are currently in. "My family should live only a few streets from here." His smile drops a little, remembering all the things that happened.

Seungmin lays a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. "Let's have fun, okay?"
Jeongin nods, following Seungmin into the house.

Jisung doesn't bother looking around the house, he drops his bag the moment he sees the sea. Opening the door and running off. Changbin runs after him to stop Jisung from jumping into the sea still fully clothed. "Ji stop, you still have your phone on you!"
The others starts laughing as Changbin throws Jisung over his shoulder making his way back to the house.
"Hyung I want to go into the water." Jisung pouts when Changbin places him down on the couch.
"Not yet, we have to unpack first."
"Before anyone else runs off." Chan ruffles Jisung's hair. "I will let you all know which rooms are for who. 3racha will have the masters bedroom on this floor while Lia and Jisoo have the other room on this floor. Minho has the bedroom to the left upstairs, you four have the one on the right. All rooms have a bathroom."
"I still don't get why Minho hyung gets a bedroom to himself. When all we have to share a room. It's just not fair." Hyunjin keeps complaining while Jeongin and Felix drag him up the stairs. Minho and Seungmin follow them, carrying the bags.

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