Chapter 89

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"Sung!" San runs over to where the younger is waiting on the bus, tripping over his feet right in front of her, falling face-first on the ground.

Sungjin covers her mouth, trying not to laugh at her best friend as she crouches down. "You okay?"

The boy looks up with a smile on his face, nodding his head. "I'm fine, don't worry." He gets up, rubbing his chin slightly before dusting off his jeans. "So how was your weekend?"

Sungjin shrugs, still laughing at San. "It was okay."

"Good. Oh! So remember I said I had a taekwondo tournament this weekend?"

Sungjin nods her head, just letting the older talk as they wait for the bus to arrive.

"Well, I won, obviously. But not the point. I had like the highest score ever this time like I did so well that my dad even bought me ice cream after and he never does that. Because you know how he is, all strict about winning and such so this is something." He has a bright smile on his face as he tells about the tournament, recreating some of the moves.

The younger next to him lets out a laugh when he nearly hits himself in the face with his hand. "Careful."

"You have to come watch next time Sung, or even join. I mean y dad would love to have you over at the dojo again. I bet Haneul would love to do your hair again too, something about the sister she always wanted." San pouts.

Sungjin frowns, looking over at San. "Would she cut it for me?"

San shrugs. "Probably, if you want to cut off your lovely hair."

The bus stops in front of them, opening its doors for them to enter. The two friends step into the bus, sitting down in their usual sports.

"I want it short like yours."

San looks over at Sungjin, slightly surprised by the comment. "Like this?" He points at his own hair, not sure if he heard her right.

Sungjin nods her head. "Yeah."


Sungjin looks down at her hands in her lap. "I will tell you later, okay?"

San smiles. "Sure, but you know I want to know right? So no coming up with excuses not to tell me."

The younger chuckles, shaking her head. "I promise to tell you, later."

Sungjin gets pushed against the lockers as she accidentally bumps into one of the jocks on her way to her locker.

"Watch your step, girlypop." The guy, Hwarang, smirks down at Sungjin.

Sungjin just rolls her eyes, trying to push him off and continue her way to her locker.

Hwarang pushes her back into the locker, holding the collar of her shirt. "The fuck you think you're going?"

Sungjin looks at him with an unbothered expression, spitting into his face.

Hwarang lets go of her collar, eyes widening slightly. "The hell!?" He goes to punch the girl, who quickly ducks down, causing him to punch the lockers instead.

Sungjin takes this as a chance to run off, knowing the two boys will follow her. Hwarang and his friend, Lew, chase after her, yelling for her to stop running and just fight back.

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