Chapter 44

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Chan walks around town, trying to clear his head while going over what happened yesterday night. He should have listened to Minho and called off the mission, Minho was right it was too risky in the end and now Minho's identity is getting exposed to the world. He knew he fucked up and that it was his fault, he will apologize to Minho the moment he see him when he gets home.

"Please give me back my money, I need it for lunch."

Chan frowns as he hears a girl in one of the alleyways, he quickly makes his way over wanting to make sure she is okay.

"Tsk either you pay with money or you can pay in a different way." The man smirks, backing the girl into the wall while his friend just laughs.

Chan pulls the guy away from the girl before he can touch her in the wrong way. "Back off."

"The hell man, mind your own business!" The man turns to Chan, throwing a punch. Chan quickly bucks, punching the man in his stomach while watching the girl run away after she grabbed her money.

The other man calls the police, recognizing Chan's face from somewhere. Meanwhile Chan and the other man fight, Chan pinning the man to the ground as he begs the other man to help him.

"Hands where we can see them!"

Chan curses as he stands up, holding his hands above his head back still turned to the police. He knows they have their guns pointed at him and the other two men, he knows they will shoot if any of them try to run, he knows literally the protocol of arresting someone.

"I called you, thank you so much for saving my friend. That man would have killed him if you didn't show up."

Chan rolls his eyes but doesn't bother correcting the man, knowing that anything you say will be used against you.

"Hands up, we know what the two of you were doing before he showed up. You are all under arrest." The police officer glares at the man that just spoke up, carefully walking over. The other two men struggle as they are getting cuffed while Chan just calmly cooperates with them.

Chan gets pushed into a different car than the other two, looking rather bored.

"Never expected to see you in the back of my car number 10."

Chan scoffs, of course the officer who is driving him is the one that taught him for years when he was at the police academy.

"You saved that girl, good on you." The officer smiles at Chan through the mirror, knowing he isn't going to say anything until he has a lawyer present. He knows Chan knows all the little details as to what goes into these things because Chan was one of the best students the academy has had.

"You have the right to a lawyer, if you cannot afford one the state will appoint one to you." The officer reads Chan his rights while Chan looks around the room, noting all the possible ways he could potentially leave. "Do you have a lawyer?"

Chan nods, he luckily still has his phone on him so that he can send a quick coded message to the members while also calling his lawyer. "May I call him alone?"

The officer nods, leaving the room to go and check in with the other officer that was with the other two men. Chan quickly sends the code before calling Jackson, explaining to him the situation and how he even got arrested. After getting cursed out by the older, Jackson tells him he will be there in about 20 minutes as he needs to grab some files that can and will help Chan get out.

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