Chapter 79

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Felix grabs his bag, throwing random things inside. He doesn't care what he packs, he just wants to go and get Lia. Someone grabs his arm, pulling him into a back hug. "Let me go!" He tries his best to free himself but fails as the other just holds him tightly. Tears start to fill his eyes as he struggles against whoever is holding him, just wanting to leave. "Please..."

"You will get hurt..."

Felix lets himself sink to his knees, dragging the other down with him. "What if she is badly hurt? And we get there too late? We would have failed her." Tears start falling down his face, landing on the floor beneath him.

Jisung opens the door to Felix and Seungmin's bedroom, looking at the boy on the ground. Felix was hugging himself, mumbling something. Jisung carefully walks over, kneeling behind the one-day younger boy. He wraps his arms around the other, feeling him flinch slightly. "You're okay Lix. We will save Lia."

Felix lets out a sob.

"It's okay Lix." Jisung just holds Felix as the boy sobs, he knows there isn't much else he can do. "Everything will be okay."

Jisung carefully turns Felix around, letting the boy cry into his shoulder while he holds him close.

"It's not fair." Felix sniffs, looking up at Jisung. "Why does she have to get hurt?" Tears are still falling down his face.

Jisung bites his lip, not sure what to answer.

"She never did anything wrong." Felix wipes away the tears that are rolling down his cheek.

"Yeah, she didn't." Jisung looks away from Felix. "We will get her out Lix, all is it the last thing I do. I promise you, I will get her out."

A small smile forms on Felix's face, pressing his head back into Jisung's neck. "Thank you."

Jisung smiles, holding Felix close. "I will always be here for you."

*A week earlier*

Lia frowns, blinking as she tries to get used to the brightness. "Hello?" She looks around the unknown yet nicely decorated room. "Where am I?" She mumbles to herself, getting off the soft bed she was lying on. Walking to the door when she feels something tug at her left foot, making her stop and look down. A rope is tied around her ankle while the other end is tied around the wooden beam that is located in the middle of the room. "Hello?!"

Sighing she let herself fall back onto the bed, trying to figure out what happened to her. One moment she entered her father's house and the next thing she remembers is the feeling of someone carrying her while hearing a gun go off. Her eyes widen as she sits up, realizing she has been kidnapped. Looking around the room again, she notices a piece of clothing hanging over a chair. Carefully making her way over, she smiles as she runs her fingers over the material before picking it up. She looks at the dress, deciding that she probably should wear it if her kidnapper left it behind. Right as she pulls her own dress over her head, the door of the room opens.

"Oh shit." Alex instinctively covers his eyes with his hand. "I'm so sorry." He bows a quick apology.

Lia turns around to look at whoever entered the room, holding the dress in front of her body to cover up. "Oh, I thought nobody was around." She quickly puts on the dress, finding it cute how the boy in front of her still hadn't removed his hand from covering his eyes. "Could you tell me what's going on? Why did you kidnap me?"

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