Chapter 7

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A week has passed since Chan's announcement that he will be getting married, only one more week left until the wedding and the tension between Chan and Jisung hadn't gotten much better.

Chan and Changbin had talked it out, Changbin understanding why Chan is doing it and has forgiven the older even if it will hurt him to see Chan be close with someone else.

Jisung on the other hand, has been ignoring Chan the best he can. To the point that they haven't said a nice word to each other, the only time they have talked in the past week is about business or fighting about what happened.

"Someone please knock some sense into Jisung." Seungmin leans against the back of the couch, looking over at the other members. Everyone besides Chan and Jisung had gathered around to try and come up with a plan to get the two to talk it out.

"That's easier said than done. He is too stubborn." Felix pouts, not liking the fact that Jisung and Chan are still not on talking terms with each other.

"Changbin and I tried talking with Jisung, he keeps saying he is doing fine and that he isn't avoiding Chan." Minho sighs, not sure what to do about the situation they were in right now. He had talked to both Chan and Jisung earlier this week but it hadn't gone too well. Chan had stated he didn't want to talk with Jisung anymore until the younger grew up a little. Jisung just said he hadn't had time to talk with Chan and that he had been busy with other little projects. "Chan hyung doesn't want to start the conversation with him either, something about Jisung needing to grow up and stop being a spoiled brat."

"Chan hyung said that?" Jeongin looks at Minho in shock.

"This situation is just getting worse and worse isn't it? Honestly I don't even blame Jisung." Hyunjin states, placing his phone next to him on the couch. "He said something the night of the race, I don't think this is just about Chan hyung getting married."

The other five look at him confused, not sure what Hyunjin is getting at.

"What do you mean Hyunjin?" Changbin frowns, speaking up for the first time since the beginning of the meeting.

"He said something about not wanting to lose Chan hyung too. That's why he wanted to race, to show off or something. I'm not sure, he was just rambling so I didn't listen to him all too well." Hyunjin place with the end of his shirt.

"He thinks Chan hyung is breaking his promise." Changbin blurs eyes, making everyone turn to look at him.

"Oh for fuck sakes." Minho stands up, knowing what promise Changbin is talking about. Jeongin's eyes widen, realizing what it is about as well. The three of them were there when the promise was made by the leader.

"What promise?" Felix looks at them confused, not understanding what this is about. Hyunjin and Seungmin also look confused at them, not having been there when the promise was made.

"Don't worry about it. I will go talk to Jisung, is he still in his room?" Minho turns to Changbin, who nods his head. Minho leaves the living room, going to Changbin and Jisung's bedroom to go and talk to Jisung about what is going on.

"What did we miss?" Hyunjin looks confused at Changbin and Jeongin, wanting to know what the promise is about. Changbin shakes his head, standing up as well.

"You guys don't need to know, okay?" With that Changbin leaves the living room as well, leaving the younger ones alone.

"It's a promise Channie hyung made to Hannie hyung after the incident. That's all I can say." Jeongin looks down, trying to get the image of what happened that day out of his head. Felix wraps his arm around Jeongin pulling him into a hug, he may not know what happened but he could see that the other was getting upset by just the thought of it.

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