Chapter 65

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Jisung carefully moves out of Changbin's arms, covering his boyfriend with his blanket again. Apparently, neither of them woke up from their nap to eat dinner yesterday or Changbin did and he hadn't noticed that the older had left his side.

Jisung walks over to his and Changbin's closet, grabbing his dark green hoodie with a smile on his face. He gets himself dressed, making sure to also clean the bandages around his arms before walking over to Seungmin and Felix their bedroom.

"Lixie?" He quietly opens the door, not wanting to wake up Seungmin and have him ruin his plans. "Lixie, you here?" He makes his way to the younger boy's bed, shaking him. "Lixie wake up. Need help."

"Who did you kill?" Felix sits up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Where are we burying them?"

Jisung covers Felix's mouth with his hand. "No one, yet..." He quickly looks over to Seungmin's bed, making sure the other did not wake up. "I need your help with decorating my room. You like shopping so will you join me?"

Felix frowns. "You want to change your room?"

Jisung nods his head, giving Felix puppy eyes. "Please?"

Felix sighs as he throws his blanket off of himself. "Okay. But you should let someone know we're leaving, can't have them come searching for us and have them thinking we're doing what you and Innie did."

"Uhm, guess I'll tell noona."

Felix nods, walking to his closet. "What do you even want to buy Hannie?"

"Paint, pillows and other decorations? But all has to be dark green and with maybe like snakes." Jisung smiles as he almost skips out of the room to go and look for Lia.

Lia looks up when she hears someone enter the kitchen, frowning as she checks the time. "Morning Jisung?" She looks at the boy confused, honestly kind of shocked he is already awake. "Up already?"

"Morning noona. Oh yeah, uhm me and Lix are going shopping. Could you tell the others?" Jisung awkwardly rubs his neck, drinking a glass of water as he waits for Felix.

"Oh sure, I will see Chan in a bit before I go to school." Lia smiles at the boy. "What you going to buy?"

Jisung shrugs. "Dunno yet." With that he leaves the kitchen, hearing Felix run down the stairs.

"Have fun." Lia chuckles.

"So what color do you want Hannie?" Felix looks at all the different green tones in front of him.

Jisung frowns, scanning over the colors. "This one?" He tilts his head to the side while pointing at a dark green color that reminds him of the forest.

"That would be too dark for the whole room, Hannie."

"Or this one." The other boy points to a different color of green. "Oh what about this one? Or this, maybe more this one?"

Felix tries to keep up with Jisung but loses track of where the slightly older boy is pointing. "Hannie, calm down a little okay? Hyung isn't able to keep up."

Jisung pouts, grabbing Felix's hand. "I like this one." He points to a can stating 'Emerald glare'. "Can I have it? Please?"

Felix sighs, wondering why he agreed to go shopping with Jisung. Especially after the younger slipped into little space when they entered the store. "Sure but you have to stick to my side okay? No running off."

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