262-266: Gossip (6-10)

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262: Go away, don't send it.

Lin Lang raised her eyebrows. Is this alien fighting so weak?

She pressed the little jellyfish's body with one finger, so that it could not turn over, while thinking about the world plot.

Generally speaking, the tasker has a total of two memory transmissions, one is about the life experience of the original owner, and the record is more detailed. The other is the world memory of the big pattern, mainly the life trajectories of the male and female protagonists, but the task can only extract the key plot, that is to say, some details need to be explored by yourself.

The hostess's late opening is very powerful, especially her personal charm can be called retrograde. Not only has Ruan Linlang's four ex-boyfriends all passed into the harem, but it has also radiated to all countries without distinction. Treasure ".

She followed her thoughts and smiled sweetly at the little alien.

If Lin Lang wanted to set a routine, it would be a matter of minutes, not to mention that her opponent was a little alien who had just arrived, had a straight personality, and had a very high affection for her, taking advantage of the two big jellyfish When returning to form, she had already touched the origin of the other party.

The little jellyfish said that their Leilai star has two talented racial skills, one is lucky and the other is disguise. Lin Lang is more interested in the talent of camouflage, which is generally used in avoiding natural enemies, preying on prey, etc., and achieving unexpected results.

What if this disguised talent is used on human girls? Will it produce a similar charm effect?

Lin Lang poked the little jellyfish's body and asked curiously, "Can the disguised talent be transferred?"

The little jellyfish thought she was playing with herself, and a few small tentacles stretched out slowly, wrapping her fingers, and said tenderly, "No, the talent is the inherent advantage of the Lelaixing."

It frowned, frowned, and said, "However, there are exceptions."

"What's the exception?"

The voice of the little alien suddenly became serious, "Sexual reproduction."

Lin Lang: "..."

So, the hostess also conquered this little jellyfish?

The little jellyfish did n’t notice her eccentric complexion and continued to worry about the future of the race. "In the first year of the light calendar, the central silver track broke, the constellations split, causing successive explosions of the life planet. The Leila star was contaminated by the nebula and the ocean where the people lived. The water area has undergone aberrant changes, and the reproduction rate has been greatly reduced since then. By 799, it fell to a record low. "

"After years of research by the elders, there are signs of survival for the Blue Star 480 light-years away from Leilai. Although the civilization is backward, the life factor is extremely active. In order to solve the breeding problem of Lailai, every successor People will choose to travel on different planets and collect alien breeding cells. "

Lin Lang's face listened carefully to the little old man as if he had finished speaking, "And then?"


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