New Years Eve | S.S.

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"Sadie, are you ready?"

Tonight was New Years Eve and you both were going to the party that Finn was throwing. You walked into your shared bedroom to see Sadie checking herself out in the mirror. You stared at her.


Sadie turned to face you. "How do I look?"

"Amazing." You breathed out.


"Yeah. You'd look better with it off." You told her with a slight smirk.

She kissed you on the lips. "Maybe later. Finn texted me that everyone's waiting for us."

"They can wait." You said as you put your hands around her waist.

"It's rude to keep people waiting, love." She told you.

"It's rude to rush others." You said before kissing her.

"Come on y/n."

You groaned as she grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the bedroom. You grabbed your keys from the counter and went to the car. You opened the passenger door for her before going over to the drivers side. You started the car and pulled out of the driveway. You pulled into Finn's driveway. You both got out of the car and went inside Finn's house.

Finn greeted you two immediately. "y/n, Sadie! Nice of you to finally show up."

"Hey, Finn." You both greeted.

He handed you both a beer.

"We were just about to play never have I ever. Wanna play?" He asked you guys.

"Yeah, sure." You answered for the both of you.


He led you both into the living room where Millie, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb were sitting in a circle. The three of you joined the circle.

"So we all know the rules, right? Drink if you've done it. Don't drink if you haven't." Gaten explained.

Everyone nodded.

"I'll go first." Finn exclaimed as he raised his hand. "Never have I ever done a nude streak."

No one drank except you. Everyone looked at you in shock, especially Sadie.

"Parties were wild at my high school."

"Never have I ever stood someone up on a date." Gaten went next.

No one drank.

"We're all loyal here." Noah said.

"I'll go next." Millie said. "Never have I ever given a fake name."

Everyone drank.

"My turn, my turn." Noah pleaded.

"All right, child."

"Never have I ever slept with someone in this room."

You and Sadie looked at each other before taking a drink. Everyone looked at you two.

"What? You think out of the 2 and a half years we've been dating we haven't done it once?" Said said with a slight attitude.

"Okay, you two ruined that game." Caleb decided.

You threw your hands up in surrender. "Hey, he asked."

Finn looked at the clock. "We still have like two hours till midnight. What should we do."

"We could watch a movie?" Millie suggested.

Everyone agreed. You all decided on watching a horror movie. Finn put on the movie and you all sat down to watch. There were two couches in the living room. You and Sadie sat on one couch. Gaten, Finn, and Caleb sat on the other while Millie and Noah sat on the floor. Everytime a jump scare would come on Sadie would jump and grip onto your arm. Once the movie was over it was 11:30 pm. You looked at Sadie.

She looked at the screen in shock. "That was the worst thing ever."

You just laughed.

"Put on the ball drop." Noah told Finn.

"But we have another half hour." Gaten responded.

"Yeah, but they have great performers."

Finn nodded and put on the ball drop. You all sang and danced with the performers until it was 10 seconds to midnight.











"Happy New Year!" You all shouted.

The others celebrated as you and Sadie looked at each other before kissing. She put her hands on your shoulder and you put your hands on her waist. You kissed for a couple seconds before pulling away.

"Happy New Year, y/n." Sadie smiled.

"Happy New Year, Sadielyn Cinco." You smiled back.

"I told you to stop calling me that."


The two of you smiled once before going back in for a second kiss.


If you have any requests let me know. They don't have to be just Sadie. They can be Max, Ziggy, or Sadie.

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