Blocked | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

Sadie woke up one morning to an empty bed. She was confused for a second before she saw you walk out the bathroom wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

"Good morning, baby." You smiled as you saw her.

"Morning." Sadie groggily said as she rubbed her eyes.

When Sadie removed her hands from her eyes you took off your t-shirt and walked over to your dresser. You weren't wearing a bra because who sleeps with a bra on?

Sadie slightly smirked as she got a view of your tits. You opened the top draw of your dresser and pulled out a bra as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"Well now it's a good morning." Sadie whispered in your ear as she trailed her hands up your hips and she put her hands on your boobs.

You slightly gasped as she squeezed them. Your breathing picked up before you removed her hands.

"We can't right now, baby. Millie is in the other room and we have to go out to lunch soon." You told her as you put the bra on.

"Fine." She pouted as she helped you clasp your bra.

Sadie put her arms back around your waist and slightly pulled you closer to her. You pulled out a shirt from another draw just before you felt Sadies boner.

You looked in the mirror in front of you and saw that Sadie was already looking at you. She had a smirk plastered on her face since she knew you could feel her bulge.

You sighed as you turned around to face her, her arms still around your waist. "You really wanna do this?"

She nodded.

"Okay." You said.

Sadie smiled before she placed her lips on yours. You dropped your shirt that you were holding as you placed your hands under Sadies shirt. You ran your hand over her toned abs. Sadie smiled into the kiss as she pulled you closer.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and you and Sadie quickly pulled a part. You looked at the door and saw that it was Millie. You stood in front of Sadie so that Millie wouldn't see Sadies very obvious bulge.

Millie furrowed her eyebrows as she saw you standing there in your bra. "I'm sorry. Did I just cock block you?"

"What?" You widened your eyes. "No! I- I was just-"

"No, it's okay." Millie cut you off.

"No, Millie, really, we were just kissing." Sadie said.

"Listen. I get it. You guys are a couple. You're free to do whatever you want and have sex." Millie started to close the door. "Just use protection." Millie said before closing the door fully and leaving.

You sighed as you covered your face in embarrassment. Sadie just looked at you before she started laughing.

"Stop laughing." You told her.

"Alright, alright." Sadie said as she finally calmed down. "Did you still wanna have sex?"

You slightly laughed. "That's very presumptuous of you."

You stepped closer to her, grabbed the collar of her shirt, and pulled her in for a kiss.

Sadie pulled away. "So thats a yes?"

You rolled your eyes. "Yes."

Sadie smiled before she took off her shirt and kissed you. You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor.

You pulled away from the kiss so that you could take off your shorts and underwear and Sadie took off her sweat pants and boxers.

Once you both were fully naked, you put your hand on Sadies chest and pushed her down onto the bed. Sadie rested her back against the headboard of the bed as you crawled over to her.

You wrapped your hand around the shaft of her dick and started to jerk off her off. She groaned and slightly threw her head back. Before you could do anything else she stopped you.

You watched as she reached into the draw of her bedside table and pulled out a condom. She opened it with her teeth before putting the condom on.

"Ready?" You asked her.

"Yeah." Sadie nodded.

You carefully aligned her dick with your hole before you slowly sank down. You let out a long moan as you sat all the way down. You wrapped your arms around Sadie's neck as her hands went to your waist and she started to move your hips back and forth.

"Oh." You moaned.

"Fuck, y/n/n." Sadie groaned.

You started to bounce up and down as you gripped onto Sadie's shoulders. Sadie got even more turned on as she watched your tits bounce up and down and she couldn't help but move her hands up and message them. Your moans got louder.

"You like riding my dick, huh?" Sadie smirked and you moaned in response. "Tell me how much you love it."

"God, I love it so much, Sadie." You moaned out as you sped up your movements. "I think I'm gonna cum."

"Not yet. I wanna cum first." She said.

You slightly whimpered as you tried to hold back your orgasm.


"I'm almost there."

Sadie started to thrust up into you to get herself closer to cumming. As soon as she thrusted in she hit that spot inside of you, making it harder to hold in your orgasm. With one more thrust inside of you, she came into the condom.

"Oh, yeah." She groaned. "Fuck..."

Sadie grabbed onto your hips and quickly flipped your positions so that she was on top of you. You gasped at her sudden actions.

"Cum whenever you're ready." Sadie told you.

Sadie put her hand on your lower stomach and applied a little bit of pressure as she started to thrust into you. You moans became more frequent as she thrusted faster, getting you closer to an orgasm. 

"Sadie... more." You moaned out.

Sadie started to rub your clit in circles. This really sent you over the edge. You let out loud moans as you came all over her. She leaned down and started to leave hickeys all over your neck.

"Sadie! Sadie! Oh, fuck!" You screamed.

"That's it. Good girl." Sadie said into your ear.

She continued to thrust into you to let you ride out your high. Once you calmed down from your orgasm, Sadie slowed down her thrusts. She pulled out of you and threw out the condom as you laid on the bed, panting. Sadie down down next to you as you sat up in the bed. You slightly whimpered at the soreness.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Sadie frantically asked.

"No, no." You put your hand on her chest to calm her down. "I'm just a little sore."

"Are you sure?" Sadie asked and you nodded. "Okay."

"Do you think Millie heard us?" You asked her.

"Probably. You were really loud." Sadie smirked.

You hit her shoulder. "Shut up."

Sadie laughed before kissing you. "Let's get ready for lunch."

"Okay." You tried to stand up but then you immediately sat down because of how sore you were. "I just... I might need a minute."

Sadie laughed as she stood up and went to get dressed.

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