Tied Up | S.S.

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You were sitting at your desk in your bedroom working on an essay for school. You've been working on this essay for a couple hours and Sadie was getting upset because you weren't hanging out with her.

"Hey, baby." Sadie greeted as she walked into your room.

You looked at her before looking back at your computer. "Hey."

"Are you still working on your essay?" Sadie asked.


"Maybe you should take a break." Sadie suggested as she walked over to you.

You shook your head. "I can't. I need to get this done by Friday."

Sadie closed your computer and turned your chair around so that you were facing her. "I wasn't asking." Sadie straddled you and put her arms around your neck. "Come on. Let's have some fun."

"What kind of fun?" You asked.

"You know." Sadie winked.

You sighed. "Sadie-"

"Y/n, if you won't touch me then I'll make you sit here and watch me touch myself. And I know how much you hate it when I touch myself." Sadie seductively said

You scoffed. "How are you gonna do that?"

Sadie smirked at you before getting off of you and going into the closet. You heard her looking for something before she came out with three ropes. She came back over to you and started to tie your wrists to the arm rests of the chair.

You didn't protest because you loved when she ordered you around like this. She didn't show her dominant side that much but when she did, it was extremely attractive.

Sadie then got down on her knees and tied your ankles together. Sadie stood back up and looked at you. 

"You look so pathetic." Sadie seductively said as she ran her fingers through your hair.

You watched as Sadie moved her hands down to the waistband of her pants. She pulled her pants and underwear all the way down to her ankles before stepping out of them and kicking them away somewhere.



She took off her shirt and unclasped her bra, getting fully naked, before she sat down on the bed. You trailed your eyes up and down her body as your breathing picked up. Sadie spread her legs a part before sticking a finger in her pussy. She let out a quiet moan.

You slightly pulled on the ropes, you wanted to touch her. "Okay, Sadie, I think you made your point. Let me go and I'll touch you."

Sadie ignored you and added another finger. She started to pump in and out of herself.

"Sadie." You warned.

Sadie started to speed up her movements as her moans got more frequent and louder.

"Oh shit." She moaned. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum."

You pulled on the restraints again and this time one of the ropes untied. You pulled on the other rope and it untied. You smiled to yourself before you leaned down and started to untie your ankles. Sadie kept fingering herself as she watched you do this.

Once you fully untied your ankles you walked over to Sadie. She quickly pulled out of herself. You pushed Sadie down on the bed as you hovered over her. She looked at you with innocence in her eyes.

"Not so tough now, are you?" You smirked. "Now, here's the deal. You're gonna let me finish my essay and then when I'm done we can fuck for as long as you want."

You got off of her and went back over to your chair. You sat down as opened your computer and started to do your essay again.

Sadie sat up and watched you. She was even more turned on by you and she was also slightly freaked out. She didn't know you were that strong.

Sadie sighed before standing up and walking over to you and straddling you again. You looked at her as she put her arms around your neck.

"You need me to talk some sense into you again?" You asked.

"You know I love when you get angry." She replied. "I'll make you a deal. Let me pleasure myself right here and you can continue working on your essay."

You slightly tilted your head to the side. "Why would I do that?"

Sadie didn't answer. She moved one of her legs so that she was only straddling your thigh. You two stared at each other for a few seconds before Sadie started to move her hips back and forth, grinding on your thigh.

"Uh..." She softly moaned.

You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

"Technically I'm not touching myself." Sadie smirked.

You sighed. "Fine."

You went back to working on your essay as Sadie continued to ride your thigh. Her moans did distract you a little but but you didn't mind. You loved every sound that came out of her mouth.

"Shit." Sadie whispered as she sped up her movements. "Fuck, this feels so good."

"Don't stop until you cum." You ordered.

"I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon." Sadie told you.

After a few seconds you looked at her, wanting to see her facial expression. Her mouth was slightly opened and she had a little bit of sweat on her forehead. She looked so good. As soon as you made eye contact with her she let out a loud moan. You slightly smirked before looking back at your computer.

"No, no." Sadie put her hand on your cheek and turned your head so that you were looking at her again. "Keep looking at me. It's so hot."

"Well, if it'll help you cum." You shrugged.

Sadie nodded. "It will. I'm so close."


You put one of your hands on her hips and trailed it down all the way to her clit. You started to rub slow circles on it to help her get closer to cumming.

"Oh, yes." Sadie moaned. "I'm gonna cum."

"Go ahead." You said.

"Oh!" Sadie moaned and threw her head back as she orgasmed. "Fuck! Fuck, y/n/n!"

Once said came down from her high you slowly stopped rubbing her clit and she stopped moving her hips. She panted as she rested her head against your shoulder.

"Good girl." You whispered in her ear as you started to rub her back.

"I love you." She told you.

"I love you, too, baby."

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