Spin The Bottle | M.M.

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You and the rest of the party were all hanging out in Mike's basement. It was a hot summer day and there wasn't anything to do. Everyone was scattered around the basement doing their own thing. You and Max were sitting on the couch, talking. Max was sitting on the couch with your head laying in her lap.

You and Max had been best friends since she moved here and you both were always physical with each other. You let her cuddle you when watching movies, she plays with your hair, it's never been awkward for you two to be so close to each other.

Max has had a crush on you ever since she moved here and so have you, but you both were too afraid to ask each other out. Max did date Lucas for a couple months but she's single now.

"What if we played spin the bottle?" You suggested to everyone as Max ran her fingers through your hair.

"Spin the bottle? Wouldn't that be weird?" Mike asked.

"I mean we're all friends. It wouldn't have to mean anything." You said.

"Sounds fun." Max agreed.

"Yeah, I'll play." Will said.

Soon everybody else agreed and you all were sitting in a circle with a glass bottle in the middle. You sat in between El and Lucas while Max sat across from you.

"Who's gonna go first?" Dustin asked.

"I'll go." Max put her hand on the bottle and spun it. The bottle spun for a few seconds before it landed on El.

The two girls looked at each other before Max crawled over to El. El slowly leaned in and kissed Max. You bit the inside of your cheek out of anger as you watched. It was a meaningless kiss but for some reason it made you very angry. Their kiss lasted a couple seconds before they both pulled away and Max went back over to her spot.

After a few more rounds it was your turn to spin. You put your hand on the bottle and spun it. You watched with anticipation as the bottle continuously spun before coming to a complete stop. You slowly looked up to see who it landed on.


You looked at Max and she looked right back at you. You both stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Are you guys gonna kiss or what?" Lucas asked.

You looked at him before you crawled over to Max. Your heart was pounding and your palms started to sweat.

Normally you wouldn't be so nervous but this was Max Mayfield. The girl you've had a crush on for two years.

You looked into Max's eyes before you slowly leaned in. You stopped leaning in when your lips were just centimeters away from hers.

Max put her hand on the back of your neck and kissed you.

It was a quick kiss that didn't last more than 2 seconds. Once she pulled away you just stared at her. She stared right back at you as she bit her lip. Suddenly she leaned in and you both were kissing again.

This wasn't a short kiss. It was a long kiss. 10 seconds to be exact but who's counting. Your lips molded together as if they were made for each other.

Once you pulled away for air you just looked at her in adoration and she smiled at you.

"What the fuck was that?" Mike asked.

You quickly turned your head to look at him. You completely forgot that you were playing a spin the bottle game with all your friends.

"Nothing. Just playing the game." You told him as you went back over to your spot.

You sat there with your hands in your lap as you looked at the floor. The others went back to the game except for Max. She just stared at you with a thoughtful expression.


Once you all were done with the game you decided to call it a night. You stepped outside and the cold air hit your skin, creating goosebumps.

You stood on Mikes porch as you rubbed your arms. Seconds after, you heard someone come outside and then a jacket was draped over your shoulders.

You looked over and saw Max next to you. She slightly smiled at you. You put her jacket on fully as you looked at her.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"I have to get home." You told her, knowing that she wanted to talk about the kiss.

You walked down Mikes driveway. Max ran after you and walked side by side with you.

"Can we walk and talk?" Max asked.

You sighed as you started to walk down the street with Max. "Fine."

"Do you like me?"


"Because I've loved you ever since I met you and that kiss got me thinking that you did too." Max said.

You stopped walking. Max also stopped walking and turned to face you.

"You love me?" You asked and she nodded.

You smiled before you placed your hands on her face and kissed her. You felt Max smile into the kiss as her arms wrapped around your waist.

"Fuck, I've waited 2 years to hear you say those words." You told her as you caressed her cheek.

Max smiled as she leaned her forehead against yours. "And I'll keep saying it until the day I die."

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