Bartender Girl | S.S.

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"Hey, bartender girl." You heard a girls voice from behind you.

You rolled your eyes as you turned around to see a red headed girl sitting at the bar, on her phone.

"Can I help you?" You asked.

"Yeah, can I just get a beer." She said, finally looking up from her phone and making eye contact with you. "Actually can I get a cup of you?"

You scoffed as you leaned on the counter in front her. "Cute. Can I see your ID?"

She took out her wallet and handed you her drivers license. You carefully inspected it. April 16, 2002. You handed the ID back to her.

"Sorry, love. I can't serve alcohol to 20 year olds." You told her before turning to leave but she grabbed your wrist.

"Can't you just... make an acception? For me?" She softly asked.

You tilted your head. "How'd you even get in here anyways?"

She shrugged. "I have my ways. Now, please? I really need a beer."

You sighed before turning around and getting her a beer. She smirked as you handed it to her.

"If I get in trouble, I'm coming for you." You joked causing her to laugh. "Now, what's a pretty girl like you doing in the bar alone?"

"Just... needed a drink. Had a stressful day at work." She answered.

"Yeah. Filming a TV show or movie can be pretty stressful." You said.

She furrowed her eyebrows at you.

"My sister doesn't stop playing your tv show. She goes on and on about this Maxine girl." You explained.

"Max?" She said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." You waved her off.

"You watch the show too?" She asked with a smile.

You scoffed. "No, I hate it."

Her smile fell.

"I'm kidding. I've only seen a little bit of it." You told her and she sighed of relief.

"Right. So what's your name, bartender girl?" She asked.

"y/n." You said.

"I'm Sadie." She said.

"Yeah, I know. Once again my sister doesn't stop talking about you." You told her and she smiled. "Hey? Can I get your autograph?" You beamed and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Uh, you know. For my sister?"

She laughed. "Sure."

You handed her a piece of paper and a pen. She signed her autograph and gave you back the paper. You folded it up and put it in your back pocket.

"So, y/n." She started another conversation as you went back to leaning on the counter. "You got a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

You smirked. "Why? You wanna ask me out on a date?"

She blushed. "Maybe. So do you have one?"

"Uh, no." You told her.

"Great. So, do you wanna like... hang out?" She asked.

You checked your watch. "I mean, I have 2 hours left of my shift but after that I'm free."

"Great. I'll wait till your shift is done." She smiled.

"We could head back to my place after. Maybe watch a movie on Netflix." You suggested.

"It's a date. I'll just wait here while you bartender." She joked making you let out a chuckle.

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