Relationships and Red Carpets | S.S.

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A/N: Yes, I did base this off an episode of Austin and Ally. And what about it?


You and Sadie were in a predicament. You two were finally gonna announce your relationship at the award show tonight but your manager told you not to because 'having a girlfriend would ruin your career'. You told her that you weren't gonna listen but she said if you announced your relationship she would stop booking you acting jobs, she also wouldn't let you walk the red carpet with her. You and Sadie obviously weren't happy about it but your career was on the line.

Once you arrived at the red carpet people started cheering and taking photos of you. You noticed Sadie and went completely speechless. She smiled at you and walked over to you.

"Woah. Sadie... You look... Woah."

"You look great, too." She told you with a smile

You stepped closer to each other before your manager walked over to you.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, I'm... just telling my friend that she looks nice." You panicked. "You look... cool... bro."

Sadie laughed. "You're not so bad either. Bro."

She then punched you in the arm. You grabbed your arm in pain.

"All right then." Your manager said before walking away.

You and Sadie smiled before turning and waving at the paparazzi.

"I hate that we have to do this." Sadie said to you.

"Me too." You agreed.

She turned to look at you. "I just wanna be near you. Interviewers!" She then shoved you away.

The interviewer came over to you with her cameraman

"Hey, how about an interview?" She asked as she pushed you closer to Sadie. "Get in here, you two." The camera then started rolling. "I'm sensing a lot of tension between you two."

"Why would you say that?" Sadie asked.

"Because you both are up for the same award." The interviewer replied.

"Oh, right. That kind of tension." You said with relief. "Not the kind that comes from trying to hide being a couple."

Sadie laughed. "Cause we're not."

"Oh, great!" The interviewer looked at the camera. "There's still a chance to snag them."

Just then Jenna Ortega came over and stood in between you and Sadie. "Get in line."

"Oh, it's Jenna Ortega. She's also up for best actress." The interviewer said as the paparazzi cheered.

Jenna put her hand on your shoulder. "Hey, y/n. Looking cute, as always. You know my tv show is looking for a love interest for me and they think you would be perfect for the role."

"Uh, thanks but if I was to play someone's love interest it would be-" You turned to Sadie but then your manager walked back over to you. You turned back to Jenna. "You... cause I don't have a girlfriend, so it doesn't matter who's love interest I play."

The interviewer turned back to the camera. "You heard it. Jenna and y/n might play love interests on her new tv show. And Sadie and y/n are definitely not a couple."

Sadie laughed. "Definitely not. Bro."

"Nope." You said with a smile.

Sadie then punched you in the arm. You grabbed your arm in pain.

Once you went inside you went to go sit down with your manager. Music then started to play and the host went on stage.

"Good evening and welcome to the MTV Movie and TV Awards." The host announced as everyone cheered.

A little into the show your phone went off. You looked down to see a text from Sadie.

Sades: meet me outside

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Your manager nodded before you stood up and went outside. You walked over to Sadie.

"What's going on?" You asked, concerned.

"I've been think about what your manager said about not letting you act anymore and I feel terrible. I don't wanna make you have to choose between me or your career." Sadie told you.

"I'm not going to. We'll figure it out." You promised. "We just have to keep our relationship a secret whenever we're in public or whenever my manager's around. Or whenever someone has a camera or a phone with a camera, or whenever there's a window."

"y/n!" Sadie cut you off. "That's crazy. Neither of us is gonna be happy doing that."

You sighed. "I know but what are we supposed to do?"

"Maybe we just aren't meant to be together."

"Are you saying we should break up?"

Sadie hesitated before speaking. "I think it's for the best."

"Sadie, I don't wanna lose you." Your eyes started to fill with tears.

"We'll still be in each other's lives. We'll always be friends. Best friends." She promised.

She then hugged you and you hugged her back. You hated to admit it but she was right.

You went back inside and sat down in your seat.

"What took you so long?" Your manager asked.

"Oh, there was a long line." You lied.

"Well, your category is up next." She informed you.

The host walked back on stage. "And now it's time to announce the award for best female actress. The nominees are... Zendaya, Jenna Ortega, Camila Mendes, y/n l/n, and Sadie Sink. And the award for best female actress goes to..." The host opened the card. "Jenna Ortega."

Everyone clapped as Jenna stepped on stage. She gave her thank you speech as your manager turned to you.

"I know you're upset about Sadie, but everything I make you do is to help you get up there someday."

You looked at Sadie who was sitting a few chairs down. "Why wait for someday when I can go up there now?"

You stood up from your chair and your manager grabbed your arm.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

You removed your arm from her grasp and went on stage. Everyone gasped and Jenna looked at you in confusion.

"Um, sorry, Jenna, can I borrow that for a sec?" You pointed to the microphone.

"Sure." She smiled and gave it to you.

"Thanks. Love your acting, by the way." You told her as she went to sit back down. You looked at the audience. "Hey, everybody. I have something to say. By doing this, I could be throwing away my career... but I don't care anymore. When I came here tonight, I was so excited to tell the world that... I have a girlfriend... and her name is Sadie Sink." You looked at Sadie and she smiled at you. "Sadie... when I first met you, I had no idea that you'd be the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, Sadie."

"I love you too, y/n."

Everyone clapped and cheered as Sadie stood up from her seat and ran over to you. She put her arms around your neck and you put your arms around her waist and she pulled you in for a kiss. You might have just ruined your career but at least you could hug and kiss the girl that you love whenever you want, wherever you want.


This is so cheesy....

But i'm posting it bc it took a long time to write :)

If you have any requests let me know. They don't have to be just Sadie. They can be Max, Ziggy, or Sadie.

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