No Hands | S.S.

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You and Sadie were cuddled up on the couch as the two of you watched her favorite movie. Every once in a while you would take a look at Sadie and admire her beauty. You've seen this movie so many times so you knew what was happening.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Sadie asked you with her eyes still glued to the tv.

"Because you're beautiful." You told her as you continued to look at her.

Sadie looked away from the tv and looked at you with a smile. She leaned up and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before cuddling closer to you causing you to smile.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you, too." She replied.

After about ten minutes you started to get bored of the movie because of how many times you've seen it. You rested your head in your hand as you looked at the tv with a bored look.

Sadie looked at you and saw the bored look on your face. She picked up the remote and paused the tv causing you to look at her in confusion.

"Let's play a game." Sadie said.

"What game?" You asked.

"No hands."

"Whats that?" You wondered.

"Its where we make out but we can't touch each other. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser." Sadie explained with a slight smirk.

"Okay." You replied before immediately kissing her.

You licked Sadies bottom lip, asking for entrance which she playfully denied. You slightly bit her bottom lip causing her to let out a soft moan, giving you a chance to slip your tongue inside of her mouth.

Sadie tilted her head, deepening the kiss as both of your tongues fought for dominance. Sadie won and ended up crawling on top of you, straddling your waist.

Sadie knew you were playing dirty and she was not about to lose her own game so she decided to play dirty too. Sadie started to move her hips back and forth, grinding against you, causing you to let out a groan.

You pulled away from the kiss. "I know what you're doing."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sadie smirked before kissing you again.

She kissed down your jawline, going down to your neck. She left a few hickeys as she sped up her hip movements.

Without even thinking about it, you put your hands on her hips, guiding her movements.

"You're touching." Sadie whispered in your ear while smirking.

You quickly removed your hands from Sadies hips.

"That means I get to do whatever I want with you." Sadie started to take off her sweatpants.

Your heart started to race as you watched her slide her sweatpants and underwear off, throwing them on the floor.

She pushed you back on the couch so that you were laying down. You bit your lip as she hovered her pussy over your face.

"You're gonna let me ride your face until I cum so hard." Sadie ordered.

She didn't even let you respond before lowering herself onto your face. She gasped as she felt your tongue slide through her folds.

"Mmm." Sadie moaned as she tangled her fingers in your hair.

You gripped onto her thighs before shoving your tongue inside of her. You thrusted your tongue in and out of her causing her to let out loud moans.

You pulled her down closer to you so now your nose was pushed against her clit.

"Oh, y/n!" Sadie moaned.

Your tongue hit Sadies g-spot and her moans got louder. She started to roll her hips, giving herself more pleasure. She leaned back as she moved her hips faster.

"Im gonna cum." She moaned out.

You hummed in response and the vibrations sent her over the edge. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as you continued to pleasure her through her orgasm.

"Fuck!" Sadie screamed as she came all over your face.

Sadie slowed down her movements as she came down from her high. She got off of you before you sat up.

"You taste good." You smirked as you licked your lips.

"Im not done with you." Sadie stood up from the couch, grabbed your hand, and pulled you upstairs into your bedroom.

She pushed you down on the bed before walking into the closet. You scooted back on the bed until your back was resting on the headboard.

A few seconds later, Sadie came back out of the closet with handcuffs and a blindfold. She walked back over to you and handcuffed your wrists to the headboard before blindfolding you.

"Sadie, what are you doing?" You asked.

"You'll see." She told you before walking back into the closet and coming back out with a strap on.

You felt the bed dip next to you before you felt Sadie unbutton your jeans. The feeling of her hand so close to your pussy turned you on.

She put her fingers in the waistband of your jeans before pulling them down, along with your underwear. You lifted your hips up so that she could pull them all the way down.

"Sadie, whats-" you cut yourself off with a moan as you felt her thrust into you.

You bent your knees, spreading them apart, so that she could have better access.

"Fuck..." you moaned.

She sped up her thrusts as your moans became louder and more frequent.

"Sadie." You moaned as you threw your head back.


"More." You demanded.

She let out a breathy laugh before pushing all the way inside of you, hitting your g-spot.

"Oh, yes! Right there!" You practically screamed as you pulled on your restraints.

Sadie started to rub your clit with her thumb. You felt a familiar knot form in your stomach and it wasn't long before you came. You threw your head back and your mouth opened but no sound came out.

Sadie let you ride out your high before pulling out of you and taking off the strap on. She took off your blindfold and your handcuffs before sitting down next to you.

She looked at you and admired your disheveled state before her eyes trailed down to your wrists that were a little red.

"Too much?" Sadie asked as she watched you rub your wrists.

"No." You looked at her before smiling. "It was perfect."

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