Only If You're Quiet | Z.B.

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Requested by Sadieimagines

I hope this is what you wanted


You and Ziggy have been in a very happy and healthy relationship for about 6 months. That is until Sheila found out that the two of you were dating.

Sheila, for some reason, has hated Ziggy ever since the first day of camp 2 years ago. Everyday she's made Ziggy's life a living hell.

Sheila had many attempts at talking to you and trying to convince you to break up with Ziggy but every time you denied her requests so she took it upon herself to ruin your relationship, and she's succeeding. Ziggy is starting to get frustrated that you won't do anything to stop Sheila so right now you were on your way to Ziggys cabin to talk it out with her.

"Hey, Ziggs." You greeted as you walked into her cabin. "Whoa. I like what you've done with the place." You joked as you saw the paint on her walls.

"This wasn't me." Ziggy told you as she tried to scrub off the paint with a wet sponge.

"Ziggy is a bitch. Slut. Ziggy sucks-"

"Okay you can stop now." Ziggy cut you off as she gave up on scrubbing and just sat on her bed.

"Sheila?" You asked as you sat next to her.

"Yeah. When are you gonna do something about this?" She asked you.

You shrugged. "What can I do?"

Ziggy stood up and stood in front of you. "Talk to her. I'm sick of her harassing me every day and its gotten worse since she found out we're dating."

"Ziggs, you know I don't care about what Sheila thinks of you or our relationship." You told her.

"I know you don't but I just wish you would do something to stop it or at least try to stop it." Ziggy said.

"Okay, I'll go right now." You said as you stood up.

"Be quick." She told you.

"I will." You responded before leaving.

You were about to run to Sheilas cabin but then a few kids that you knew called you over. You talked to them for a while and then by the time they left you had forgotten why you left Ziggy's in the first place. You shrugged to yourself before walking back to your own cabin.

A few minutes later Ziggy walked into your cabin and saw you sitting on your bed.

"How'd the talk go?" Ziggy asked.


"Yeah, with your sister." She nodded.

"Oh. That's what I was going to do." You realized.

"You didn't go?" Ziggy crossed her arms.

"Well, I was going to but then I got distracted." You defended.

"Y/n, I can't believe you. Does our relationship mean nothing to you?" She asked you.

"What? Ziggy, our relationship means everything to me." You told her as you stood up from your bed.

"Doesn't seem like it." She raised her voice.

"I promise I'll fix this." You tried to reach out to her.

"No." She stopped you. "y/n, I can't do this."


Ziggy looked at you with tears filling her eyes. "I think it's best if we break up."

And with that she left your cabin.

"Fuck!" You cursed as you flopped back onto your bed.


All night you thought about what Ziggy said. You needed to fix this. Or at least try to. You went to her cabin but she wasn't there so you went to find Cindy.

"Cindy, do you know where Ziggy is?" You asked as you walked into the mess hall to see her scrubbing the floors with Tommy next to her.

"Yeah." Cindy stood up from the floor to talk to you. "I'm not sure she wants to talk to you though."

"I know. But I messed up." You said.

Cindy scoffed. "You sure did."


Cindy sighed. "She's at the lake."

"Thank you." You said.

"Y/n." She stopped you before you could leave.


"Go easy on her. She lo- likes you very much."

You nodded. "I know. I'm gonna try and make things right."

You ran out of the mess hall and to the lake. You saw Ziggy sitting at the edge of the dock with her feet dangling above the water. You cautiously walked over to her and sat next to her. Ziggy quickly wiped her tears and looked at you.

"I'm sorry." You said.


"I'm not finished." You let out a breath. "Ziggy, ever since I met you I knew that I wanted to be more than friends. I know you're probably really mad at me and you have every right to be but I just wanted to let you know that... I love you."

Ziggy raised her eyebrows. Neither of you have said those three words to each other.

"I know I don't do a good job at showing it but I really do love you, Ziggy. And I promise you I'm gonna try and fix this with Sheila, even if its the last thing I do." You finished.

Ziggy smiled before kissing you. You were shocked at first but you kissed back. Once she pulled away she smiled at you.

"I love you, too. Now come show me how much you love me." Ziggy grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you back to her cabin.

As soon as you entered her cabin, she pinned you against the door and kissed you again. You reached behind you and locked the door.

Ziggy broke away from the kiss and pulled your shirt over your head and you did the same with hers. She quickly placed her lips back on yours and unclipped your bra. You took off your bra and threw it somewhere on the floor before doing the same with hers.

You pushed Ziggy back and laid her on the bed. You hovered over her, kissing her again. Ziggy unbuttoned your jeans and slid them off, along with your underwear.

You reached down and fumbled with the button on her shorts causing you to groan in frustration.

"Need help?" Ziggy laughed.

You nodded. Ziggy let out another laugh before unbuttoning her shorts. She lifted herself up so that you could slide them off her body.

Before you could do anything else, someone tried to come into Ziggy's cabin but you had locked the door. Ziggy gasped and pushed you off of her. You groaned as you fell onto the floor.

"Y/n! I'm sorry!" Ziggy quickly apologized.

"Ziggy? Are you in there?" Cindy asked as she knocked on the door.

You and Ziggy looked at each other before scrambling to put on your clothes.

"Ziggy, open the door." Cindy continued to jiggle the door handle.

Once you both got your clothes back on, Ziggy opened the door. Cindy caught a glimpse of you as you just finished putting your shirt on. Cindy looked at you before looking at Ziggy.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Ziggy said before leaving and closing the cabin door.

After Ziggy and Cindy talked, Ziggy came back into the cabin. She locked the door before pouncing on you. She attached her lips to your neck as she pushed you back on the bed.

"Do you accept my apology?" You asked her as you ran your fingers through her hair.

"Only if you're quiet." She smirked before taking off your shirt.

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