My Superhero | Z.B.

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TW: homophobic slurs

(Nick Goode is nice in this)

You were walking across the field to your cabin when your girlfriend Ziggy walked up to you. She looked pissed. The two of you got into a fight last night and you stormed out of the cabin and didn't return.

"Where were you last night?!" Ziggy asked as she walked up to you.

"Nowhere." You told her as you crossed your arms.

"Your sister told me that you went out into the woods last night. Alone!" Ziggy exclaimed.

You looked around and noticed that some passing campers were staring at you two. "Can we talk about this somewhere else, please?"

"No! Do you know how dangerous it is to be alone in the woods in the middle of the night?!" Ziggy yelled.

"Yes, but I'm fine. Nothing happened." You assured her.

"I don't care! You don't go into the woods alone! God, y/n, you're so careless and irresponsible sometimes." She scolded as she ran her fingers through her hair. "If something happened to you, I would never be able to forgive myself."

"You don't need to be worrying about me all the time, Ziggy!" You told her.

"Yes, I do! You're my girlfriend!"

"I can take care of myself!" You shouted. "You need to let me make my own decisions and give me space sometimes!"

"Fine! You want space? Have it! I need a break from you anyways!" Ziggy retorted.

Tears started to form in your eyes. "Ziggy, don't be like that."

Ziggy crossed her arms before walking away from you, bumping her shoulder into yours as she passed by you. You turned around to watch her go.

"Ziggy!" You called after her but she kept walking.

"Hey. You okay?"

You turned your head to see Nick walking over to you.

"No..." You said as a tear fell down your cheek. "I think Ziggy just broke up with me."

"Shit. I'm so sorry, y/n/n." Nick apologized.

He pulled you into a hug and you wrapped your arms around his neck as you cried into his shoulder. You heard somebody laughing and you saw Kurt walking up to you and Nick. You wiped your tears as you and Nick pulled away from each other.

"What's going on here?" Kurt laughed as he looked at you. "Your little girlfriend break up with you?"

You just wiped your nose with the sleeve of your sweatshirt before crossing your arms and looking at him

"Hey. Enough." Nick sternly said to him.

"Oh, come on, Nick." Kurt scoffed. "You can't possible be defending this faggot. I mean, why are you even friends with her?"

"I said enough, dude!" Nick yelled as he pushed Kurt.

You widened your eyes as you slightly backed up.

"Don't push me!" Kurt said as he pushed Nick to the ground.

"Kurt!" You raised your voice and bent down to help Nick up.

Nick brushed some dirt off of himself before charging at Kurt and punching him in the jaw. You gasped and a crowd of campers started to form around the three of you. Kurt spit out some blood before punching Nick back. Nick hit him back and this is when you decided to intervene.

"Nick, Kurt, stop!" You walked up to Nick and put a hand on his shoulder.

Kurt threw another punch but Nick ducked and Kurt ended up hitting you instead. You yelped in pain as you put your hand over your eye.

"What the fuck!"

You looked around at the familiar voice and you saw Ziggy pushing her way through the crowd. She quickly made her way over to kurt, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and punching him a few times in the face.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Ziggy shouted at Kurt, giving him one final blow to the face and knocking him out cold.

"Oh boy..." You mumbled to yourself.


Once the fight was over and Kurt had woken up, you, Nick, Kurt, and Ziggy got your cuts and bruises cleaned up in Nurse Lanes office and then you were free to go to your cabins. You and Ziggy were in the same cabin so you walked there together.

"Explain, please." You said to Ziggy as you sat down next to her on your bed.

"Explain what?" Ziggy asked.

"Why you came back and how you knew about the fight." You clarified.

Ziggy sighed. "I was thinking and I realized how much of a jerk I was so I came back to apologize. I saw the group of kids so I joined and watched a little bit of the fight before I saw Kurt punch you and that's when I stepped in."

"I thought you needed a break from me." You said.

Ziggy shrugged. "Somebody's gotta keep an eye on you."

You smiled. "So, what, you're like my... superhero now?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Ziggy smiled. "But, I am really sorry for being too protective."

"It's okay." You put a lock of hair behind her ear. "You can be protective but just not too protective, alright."

"Only if you promise not to go into the woods alone at night." Ziggy negotiated.

You chuckled. "I promise."

"Alright, then I promise I won't be too protective." Ziggy promised.

You held out your pinky and Ziggy hooked her pinky with yours. She leaned in to kiss you, with your pinkies still locked together.

"I love you." Ziggy said after she pulled away.

You smiled. "I love you, too."

That was the first time either of you have said those three words to each other. Ziggy blushed before leaning in to kiss you again.

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