Jealousy | Z.B.

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Everyone at camp knows that Nick Goode has a crush on you. He's not that good at hiding it. He constantly tries to flirt with you in front of your girlfriend, Ziggy. So, when you told Ziggy that you were going to hang out with him, she wasn't very happy.

It's not that she doesn't trust you, she does. It's him she doesn't trust.

You told Ziggy that you'd be back at 8:30 pm. That was two hours ago.

Ziggy vigorously tapped her fingertips on her thigh as she watched the cabin door, waiting for you. When you walked through the door she flicked on the light. You gasped and turned her way.

You sighed of relief when you saw it was just her. "Ziggy! You scared me."

"Where have you been?" She coldy asked.

"With Nick. I told you this." You crossed your arms.

"You told me you'd be back at 8:30. Newsflash! It's almost 11!" She raised her voice.

"I know, I'm sorry. I lost track of time." You said as you put your bag down.

"What were you two doing?" She wondered.

"We were just doing counselor stuff." You shrugged.

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Ziggy skeptically asked as she crossed her arms and walked over to you.

You scoffed. "I'm not having this conversation."

"Were you two fucking?"

"What? Of course not!" You raised your voice. "How could you say that?"

"Because you came back two hours later than you said you would and you won't even tell me what you guys were doing." She matched your tone of voice.

"So, what? You don't trust me?" You asked.

"I do trust you!"

"Doesn't sound like it!"

"I forbid you from hanging out with him." Ziggy ordered.

You looked at her in disbelief. "You forbid me?"

"That's right." Ziggy nodded.

You scoffed before picking up your jacket and putting it on.

"Where are you going?" She wondered.

You ignored her.

"All right, fine. Go fuck your new-"

Ziggy was cut off by you slapping her in the face. You gasped and covered your mouth.

"Oh my God. Ziggy, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." You quickly apologized.

Ziggy didn't respond. She slowly reached up and felt the burning on her cheek.


"Get on the bed and strip." She ordered.


"You heard me." Ziggy said before going over to the closet.

You slowly walked over to your bed and took off all your clothes. You patiently sat on the bed as you watched Ziggy rummage around in the closet. She came back out of the closet and looked at you with handcuffs in one hand.

"Such a good girl." She said once she saw you on the bed.

She slowly pushed you to lay down and hovered over you. She took both of your wrists and handcuffed you to the bed.

"Ziggy, what are you doing?" You asked.

"Shh." She put her finger onto your lips. "Now... you're gonna watch as I eat your pretty little pussy. And... if you're quiet maybe I'll let you cum. Got it?"

You nodded.

She smirked as she trailed her hand from your lip all the way down to your pussy. She bit her lip as she slowly rubbed your clit. She removed her hand and quickly replaced it with her tongue.

"Fuck..." You breathed out.

Ziggy licked up your folds earning a whimper from you. She started to suck on your clit and you tried so hard not to moan. Your mouth opened as you looked at the ceiling.

At least Ziggy wasn't the type of girl to have eye contact as she eats you out, right?

"Eyes on me princess."

"Mmm." You whimpered as you looked at her.

You moaned as she made eye contact with you. She then shoved her tongue inside of you and started to thrust her tongue in and out of you.

"Oh, Ziggy!" You screamed as you felt a knot form in your stomach. "I'm- I'm gonna cum."

She then removed her tongue and sat up. You whimpered at the loss of contact. Without saying a word she took off her shirt and unbuttoned her shorts. You bit your lip at the sight of her. She took off her shorts and underwear in one swift motion.

"Cum when I say so." She said as she put your leg over her shoulder and brought her pussy closer to yours.

Ziggy gasped as your pussys touched and you let out a moan. She begins to rub your pussys together.

"Oh fuck." She groaned as she threw her head back.

You moaned as your clits rubbed together. "Ziggy..."

You threw your head back as she started to pick up the paste. You felt your orgasm building back up as she moaned your name.

"Ziggy, please can I cum?"

"Who do you belong to?" She basically moaned out.

"You. You and only you." You told her.

"Cum for me." She seductively said.

"Oh!" You screamed as you hit your climax.

Ziggy sped up as she reached her own climax. "Oh, y/n!"

"Mmm." You whimpered she continued to roll her hips to ride out both of your highs.

Ziggy panted as she let go of your leg and sat down next to you. She took off the cuffs and you rubbed your wrists.

"I'm sorry, Zigs." You said.

"It's alright." She said before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "I forgive you."

She pulled the covers over you both as you snuggled up against her chest.

"I love you." You mumbled.

"I love you, too." She smiled as she ran her fingers through your hair.

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