Heat Of The Moment | S.S. (Part 1)

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Sadie g!p

You and Sadie had just gotten home from a cast party. When you both entered your house, Sadie shut the front door and locked it. When she turned back around she was met with your lips on hers. She was shocked but quickly kissed you back.

"What was that for?" Sadie asked when you pulled away.

"You look so hot right now." You told her before biting your lip.

She was wearing a black bra top with a black suit jacket and black pants. (Picture at the top)

Sadie let out a flirty laugh before kissing you again. You wrapped your arms around her neck as you pressed your body against hers. It wasn't long before you felt Sadie get hard.

"Oh, god, y/n..." Sadie groaned into the kiss.

Sadie pulled away from the kiss and picked you up bridal style. You squealed as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

Sadie smiled at you as she carried you all way upstairs into your bedroom. She set you down on the ground and you immediately kissed her as you took off her suit jacket.

Sadie reached around you and unzipped your dress. It was a strapless dress so once Sadie unzipped it, it fell to the floor.

You pulled away from the kiss so that you could take off your underwear and strapless bra. Sadie's jaw dropped as her eyes trailed down your body.

"Close your mouth." You smirked as you put your hand under her chin. "You'll catch flies, darling."

"I want you so badly..." Sadie softly said as she slightly shook your head.

You let out a breathy laugh before you pulled her top over her head. Sadie attached her lips to yours once again as you reached your hands down and started to unbutton her pants.

Once they were unbuttoned, you pulled them down and your eyes landed on her huge bulge that was showing through her boxers.

"Take them off... I know you want to..." Sadie whispered in your ear causing you to slightly shudder.

You pulled them down and Sadies hard cock sprung out, slapping against her stomach. She was huge.

You've had sex with her many times before but her size always surprised you.

"Enough wasting time." Sadie said. "Get on the bed and spread your legs open."

You didn't waist any time in getting on the bed. You leaned your back on the headboard as Sadie got on the bed and settled herself in front of you.

You opened your legs so that she had a perfect view of your pussy.

"What a sight." Sadie smirked as she aligned herself with your hole.

She teased you a little bit by sticking her tip in and then pulling out really quickly.

"Stop teasing!" You exclaimed.

She looked into your eyes before quickly pushing all the way into you causing you to let out a loud moan.

"You okay?" She slightly smiled.

"Yeah. You can move." You told her.

Sadie started to slowly thrust in and out of you and every time she thrusted in, you would moan. She leaned down and started to kiss your neck, giving you a few hickeys, as she sped up her paste.

"Mmm." You moaned.

She thrusted in further, hitting your g-spot causing you to scream out in pleasure.

"Sadie! Right there!" You moaned.

"That feels good, huh?" Sadie asked before speeding up a little.

"God, yes!" You moaned out as you wrapped your arms around her neck and started to claw at her back.

Sadie knew you were close to cumming so she brought her hand down to your clit and started to rub slow circles.

"Sadie!" You moaned.

"Keep moaning my name, sweetheart." Sadie rasped out.

You clenched your walls around Sadies dick before you came. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you orgasmed. Your mouth was open too but no sound was coming out.

"Good girl..." Sadie praised.

Even though you already came, Sadie didn't slow down her movements because she hadn't came yet. You knew she was close though.

"You fuck me so good, Sadie." You basically moaned out.

"Shit..." Sadie whispered before she came inside of you.

You felt her hot sperm mix with yours and you slightly moaned at the feeling. Sadie thrusted in and out a few more times before pulling out of you.

You panted as Sadie looked down at your cum that was leaking out of your pussy. She licked her lips before moving her head down.

"No more..." You told her.

"Can I just clean you up?" Sadie asked.

You thought about it before nodding. Sadie brought her head in between your legs and started to lick up all your cum.

Your legs twitched due to your overstimulation. Your fingers tangled into Sadies hair as you watched her clean you up.

Once she was done, she lifted her head up and kissed you so that you could taste yourself on her lips. You put your hand on her cheek as you hummed into the kiss.

"Lets go shower and then we can cuddle while watching a movie. Sound good?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"Okay." Sadie said before getting off the bed.

She held her hand out for you and you took it. You pulled yourself off the bed and Sadie put an arm around your waist so that she could help you walk into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, you leaned on the sink as Sadie turned on the water. While she waited for the water to cool down, she took out the makeup wipes. Sadie took off her makeup and so did you before you both hopped into the shower.

You stood under the water to rinse off a little bit. Sadie thought you looked absolutely stunning with the water glistening all over your body but she figured you had enough for tonight so she kept her dirty thoughts to herself.

After your shower, you both dried off and Sadie went to pick out pajamas for you both. You usually slept in  a pair of Sadies boxers and a baggy t-shirt so that's exactly what Sadie picked out for you.

After you both got dressed in your sleep wear, you both laid down in the bed. Sadie picked up the remote as you rested your head on her chest and tangled your legs with hers.

"What do you wanna watch?" Sadie asked you as she turned on the tv and ran her fingers through your hair.

"I don't know. I heard they added Scream 6 to Paramount+." You suggested.

"Scream 6 it is." Sadie smiled as she opened Paramount+ and turned on Scream 6.

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