Runaway | M.M.

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You showed up at Max's house to apologize to her. You two had gotten into a really bad fight. You got yourself involved in something that you shouldn't have and Max wasn't very happy. You knocked on her front door and when she opened it she rolled her eyes.


"y/n, I don't wanna talk to you." Max told you.

"Max, please, I wanna explain." You begged.

"No! I don't wanna hear your explanations!" She exclaimed.

This was the fifth time that you tried to talk to her and everytime she pushed you away, claiming that she didn't wanna hear your excuses. To say she was mad at you was an understatement.

"What can I do to make it better? What can I do to get you to forgive me?" You frantically asked.

Max sighed. "You wanna make it better? Stay away from me. I never wanna see you again."


She cut you off by slamming the door in your face.


After your argument with Max, you went home, into your room and shut the door. You sat on your bed, with your headphones on, thinking about what Max said.

Stay away from me. I never wanna see you again.

Those words hurt more than a punch in the gut. Max was your first girlfriend. Your first love. Your first kiss. Your first everything. Her saying those words to you broke you.

"y/n." Your mom walked into the room causing you to pause your music and take off your headphones. "Can you clean up your room, please?"

"I'll do it later." You told her.

"No. Now, please." She said.

"I don't want too." You replied.

Your mom crossed her arms. "I don't care what you want. I'm your mother and you'll do as I say."

"y/n, listen to your mother." Your moms boyfriend, Rick, ordered as he appeared behind your mom.

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?" You asked him. "You're not my father. You have no right to tell me what to do."

Rick pushed past your mom and walked over to you. "I don't give a fuck. Clean up this room!"

You stared at him for a few seconds. "No."

Rick took a deep breath before slapping you in the face. Your mom, who was still standing in the doorway, slightly flinched but she didn't do anything. You put your hand on your face as you felt the burning on your cheek

"Clean up this room." Rick said before leaving with your mom.

Tears started to fall from your eyes as you stared at the now closed door. You stood up from your bed and went into your closet. You took out a backpack and started to pack clothes and other things.

You put on a jacket and your backpack before you quietly opened your bedroom door. You peaked out the doorway to see that Rick and your mom were watching a movie on the couch. You looked at their bedroom to see that their bedroom door was open.

You quietly went into their bedroom and went over to the safe. You opened it and took out about a thousand dollars. Rick was a drug dealer so he often had a lot of money. You looked at the money before you went back into your own room.

You shut the door before moving to your window and opening it. You took one last look at your bedroom before picking up your skateboard and stepping out the window. You climbed down the side of your house and took off running down the street.

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