Finally Home | S.S.

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You were sitting in the back of your car while your driver drove you to the Chanel event in New York City. Sadie was going to be there to and you were so excited to see her because you haven't seen her since she left for Croatia to film O'dessa.

Once you got to the event, you saw Sadie talking to her brother, Mitchell. You went over to the two of them with a smile on your face. Mitchell smiled once he saw you and you put your finger up to your lips, telling him to be quiet.

You walked up to Sadie. "Excuse me, miss. Have we met? Because you look exactly like my girlfriend."

Sadie turned to you once she heard your voice. She thought you were some random creep until she saw your face.

"Y/n!" Sadie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you.

"Hi." You laughed as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much!" Sadie said.

"I missed you too." You smiled before kissing her.

"That was a terrible pick up line by the way." Sadie laughed as she put a lock of hair behind your ear.

"Shut up." You giggled before kissing her again. "You look..." You eyed her body up and down, admiring her outfit and makeup. "Really, really, really, hot."

"Three 'reallys'?" Sadie blushed before turning to Mitchell. "Am I blushing?"

"Just a little bit." Mitchell told her.

Sadie smiled and looked back at you. "You look stunning, too."

The entire night, you didn't leave Sadie's side. She didn't mind though. She had missed you so much that she wanted to be with you as much as she can to make up for loss time. The two of you took some Instagram pictures together, had a few drinks, watched entertainment, and occasionally snuck away from the crowds to have a little 'alone time'.

The event was finally over and now you and Sadie were headed back to your place to watch movies. When you got to your apartment, you and Sadie changed into comfortable clothes. You then made some popcorn while Sadie went to pick out a movie to watch

"So, are you gonna tell me about your time in Croatia?" You asked as you sat down next to Sadie on the couch.

"What do you wanna know?" Sadie smiled as she put her arm around you and you cuddled into her side.

"Uh... I don't know." You shrugged causing Sadie to laugh. "When is the movie being released?"

"You know I can't tell." Sadie said.

"Please." You whined as you gave her your puppy eyes.

"No." Sadie replied as she booped your nose.

"Aw." You frowned. "Can I atleast come to the premiere?"

"You know you always do." She told you.

"Yay." You smiled.

Sadie chuckled. "You're so cute."

"I know. Now, play the movie."

"I have a better idea." Sadie smirked as she slid her hand up your thigh and resting it very close to your core.

"I've missed the way you made me feel." You told her before kissing her.

"And I've missed making you feel good." Sadie said against your lips. "Let's take this to the bedroom, yeah?"

You didn't waste any time in setting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and turning the tv off. Sadie quickly picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bedroom. You giggled as she set you down on the bed and hovered over you.

Sadie attached her lips to your neck, leaving hickeys all over. You let out little moans as you tangled your fingers in her hair and tilted your head back to give her more access. You felt Sadie bite down on your neck causing you to moan louder.

"Fuck, I've missed your sweet moans." Sadie seductively said.

"Sadie..." You whine.

"What is it, baby?" Sadie asked you.

"Please... fuck me."

Those were the only three words she needed to hear. Sadie smirked as she quickly pulled down your sweatpants and underwear before throwing them on the ground. You spread your legs for her and she pressed her thumb on your clit, rubbing in slow circles. Sadie listened to your little whimpers before she slipped two fingers inside of you.

"Oh..." You softly moan.

You sat there fore a few seconds with her fingers still inside of you. You started to get impatient so you moved your hips back and forth, doing the work for her.

Sadie put her hand on your hip, stopping you from moving. "Let me pleasure you."

"Hurry up." You pleaded.

Sadie smirked at how desperate you were. She started to slowly thrust her fingers in and out of you causing you to arch your back. Sadie lifts up your shirt so that your breasts were out. You weren't wearing a bra since it was late at night.

"Fuck." You moan as she starts to message your left breast.

Sadie starts to speed up her thrusts and you put your hands up her shirt, clawing at her back from the pleasure. Your moans starts to get louder and more frequent, her name spilling from your mouth every once in a while.

Sadie leaned down and started to kiss your neck again, giving you another hickey. You moan right in her ear which makes her even more turned on. She pushed her fingers deeper inside of you.

"Shit!" You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel your orgasm build inside of you.

"Are you close?" Sadie teases, curling her fingers inside of you and hitting your g-spot, making you scream.

"Oh! Fuck, Sadie! I'm so close! Don't stop!" You yell out.

Right before you were about to cum, she pulls her fingers out of you. You didn't have time to complain because her fingers were quickly replaced with her tongue. You tangle your fingers in her hair as she starts to eat you out, vigorously thrusting her tongue in and out of you.

"Cum whenever you're ready." Sadie mumbled.

The vibrations of her talking made you release instantly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you arched your back and let out a long moan. Sadie kept thrusting her tongue in and out of you to ride out your high.

Once you calmed down from your orgasm, she removed her head from in between your legs and plopped herself down right next to you.

Sadie pulled the covers over you both and you cuddled up into her side. You tangled your legs with hers as she wrapped her arms around your waist.

"I'm so glad you're home." You mumbled into her chest.

"Me too. I missed you like crazy." Sadie replied.

"I missed you too." You said.

"Goodnight. I love you." Sadie whispered as she kissed the top of your head.

"I love you."

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