Sweatshirt | S.S. (Part 2)

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It was four months into your pregnancy, you and Sadie found out that you were having a girl and you two were beyond ecstatic. You finished filming before your stomach started to get big so you were able to just relax for the next five months.

Sadie has been by your side the whole time to take care of you. She brings you food, makes sure you have enough pillows, all that stuff. You haven't moved in together but Sadie sleeps over a lot to take care of you.

Right now, you were watching a scary movie in your living room. You had all the lights off and the blankets pulled all the way up to your shoulders. It was a suspenseful part of the movie when you heard the door slam shut.

You gasped and turned towards the door, expecting it to be some psycho person but it was just Sadie. You let out a sigh and paused the movie.

"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" Sadie asked as she walked over to you with a bag of takeout.

"Good." You said as you turned to face her, noticing the bag of takeout and gasping. "Is that food?!"

Sadie smiled and set the bag of takeout on the coffee table. "Yup. I figured you might be hungry so I stopped to get food on my way here."

"You're the best girlfriend ever." You smiled as you reached your hands out for the food.

Sadie took out your sandwich and handed it to you. She watched with a smile as you quickly unwrapped the sandwich, eagerly taking a bite. You chewed a little bit before pausing and making a disgusted face.

Sadie's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

You spit the food into a napkin before quickly standing up, putting your hand over your mouth, and running into the bathroom. Sadie ran after you as you kneeled down next to the toilet and threw up. She watched with a concerned look as she rubbed your back.

"What happened? Was it the sandwich, did you not like it?" Sadie asked as you finally finished puking your guts out.

You shook your head. "There were pickles in it."

"What?!" Sadie exclaimed.

Sadie stood up, walking out of the bathroom and back into the living room. You stood up, crossing your arms as you followed her. She picked up the sandwich, taking it apart to find a few slices of pickles.

"I told them no pickles." Sadie frowned as she set the sandwich down and walked over to you, placing her hands on your hips and running her hands up and down your sides. "Honey, i'm so sorry."

You blushed as you wrapped your arms around her neck. "Baby, its okay. It's not your fault."

"No, no, it's-" Sadie went back into the bag, taking out her own sandwich and handing it to you. "Here, you can have mine. It's not your usual but there is guaranteed no pickles."

"Are you sure?" You asked as you hesitantly took the sandwich.

Sadie nodded. "It's no big deal, I know how sensitive your stomach is."

You smiled, leaning up to kiss her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sadie smiled back at you before looking at the tv. "What are you watching?"

"Uh, I was watching The Nun but i'm not in the mood to watch it anymore." You said as you reached for the remote, putting on a random show.

You fixed the pillows on the couch before sitting with your back against them. Sadie sat down and you rested your feet on her lap. You put a blanket over yourself as you started to eat your sandwich.


About an hour later, you felt a kick in your stomach causing you to gasp and place your hand on your stomach. Sadie quickly looked at you.

"Sadie." You sat up, placing your hand on her bicep. "I think the baby just kicked."

"Yeah?" Sadie smiled.

"Come feel." You smiled at her.

Sadie placed her hand on your stomach. After a few seconds she felt a kick on her hand. She gasped and looked at you. Her reaction caused you to smile.

"That's our little girl, y/n/n." Sadie smiled.

You placed your hand on her cheek. "That's our little girl."

Sadie leaned in, pressing a long, gentle kiss onto your lips. Once she pulled away, you wrapped your arms around her neck and rested your head on her shoulder.

Sadie wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you close to her. "I still can't believe we're gonna be parents."

"I know." You let out a content sigh. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Sadie softly said.

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