Secret Girlfriend | S.S.

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You were sitting on your bed, making out with Sadie. Your secret girlfriend. The two of you kept your relationship a secret from everyone. Not because you were afraid people will judge you but just because its fun to have a little adventure in life.

"Fuck, I love you." You breathed out.

Sadie giggled as she pushed you back on the bed and straddled your waist. She then brought your lips back in for another lustful kiss. Her hands went to your neck as your hands gripped her ass which made her let out a whimper.

Sadie pulled away and put her hand on your chest. "I thought you invited me over to study."

"I did." You smirked. "To study human anatomy."

Sadie smiled. "Is that so?"

"It is so." You smiled and pulled her in for another kiss.

You trailed your hands up her skirt. Before you two could go any further, there was a knock on the door.

"Y/n? Its me." Your mom said from behind the door.

"Shit. One sec!" You stood up from the bed, pulling Sadie up with you. "Get under the bed."

"I need to get your laundry." Your mom said.

"Yeah, one second!" You yelled back and motioned for Sadie to get under the bed.

She obeyed and crawled under the bed. You sat back down on the bed.

"Okay, come in!" You yelled.

Your mom opened the door and she walked in with a laundry basket. "Hey honey."

"Hi mom." You smiled and pretended like everything was normal as your mom started to pick up some of your dirty clothes. "You know, I could have brought the laundry to you." You told her, a little mad that she ruined your alone time with Sadie.

Your mom turned to face you. "No, its okay. I wasn't doing anything aways."

She went over to your bed and started picking up clothes that were under the bed which made you quickly sit up.

You sighed of relief once she stood back up and started walking towards your bedroom door.

"Oh, and by the way." She turned to face you. "We're going out on Saturday to celebrate your new role in Stranger Things."

You stared at her in shock. Sadie knew that you auditioned but she didn't know that you actually got the role.

The two of you met in 6th grade. You were both in the same Math class and since you were terrible at Math, the teacher assigned Sadie as your tutor. You two started hanging out together as friends and then as you got older you both eventually fell in love.

You shook your head. "We dont have to, mom."

Your mom furrowed her eyebrows. "Of course we do. Its not everyday that you get a big part in a hit TV show."

You nodded as she started to leave again but then she stopped and looked at you.

"Oh, and I invited the Sinks." Your mom told you. "Do me a favor. Be sweet to Sadie. She kinda has a crush on you."

After you and Sadie met, your parents and her parents have become extremely close and they go out almost every weekend.

"Really?" You slightly smirked. "I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't." Your mom rolled her eyes before leaving.

As soon as your mom shut the door, you started laughing.

Sadie banged on your bed. "Shut up."

She came out from under the bed and sat down next to you as you continued laughing.

She picked up one of your pillows and hit you with it. "So, when were you gonna tell me that you got the role?"

"I was gonna tell you today but then you distracted me." You told her.

"Now I can distract you on set to." She smirked.

"My trailor is always open." You winked. "Also dont tell Millie and Noah and the others. I want them to be surprised when we do the first table read."

She put a lock of hair behind your ear. "Your secret is safe with me."

You smiled and went in to kiss her. She turned her head making you miss her lips and end up kissing her cheek.

"Did you just swerve me?" You put your hand over your heart.

"As much as I would love to stay here and kiss you, I have to go home." She frowned.

You groaned.

"We can hang out tomorrow. Plus we'll have all that time on set in between scenes." She smiled.

"Fine." You said.

She stood up from the bed and stared at you which made you furrow your eyebrows.

"You're still here." You said.

"Well, do you expect me to walk out of your bedroom after your mom just saw that I wasn't here?" She sarcastically asked.

You sighed and stood up. "I knew you would worry about that so..." You took her hand and pulled her onto your balcony. "I took matters into my own hands."

Sadie looked over the balcony and saw the trampoline to catch her fall. "You're kidding." She gave you a stern look.

"Or we could just go and tell my parents that we're dating." You smirked.

She sighed. "On second thought I dont think my parents would mind if I spent the night." She smiled and pulled you back into your room.

"I know I dont." You smirked.

I finished writing my Max Mayfield book so now maybe I'll have more time to write this book

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