Tease | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

"Babe, we have to go!" Sadie called out.


Tonight you and Sadie were going out to dinner with your family and hers. You and Sadie have been really busy with work that you haven't had time to see your family's so you set up a dinner party at a restaurant near you.

You walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body, your hair was in waves and you had some light makeup on. Sadie furrowed her eyebrows at you.

"You're not even dressed?" Sadie complained as she dropped her phone on the bed.

"Hey." You looked at her with a stern look. "Calm yourself."

Sadie raised her eyebrows at you before picking her phone back up. You walked over to the closet and took out a skirt and a white crop top.

Sadie looked up from her phone just as you dropped your towel and she let out a small breath before looking back at her phone.

"Control yourself, babe." You told her as you slipped on your skirt.

"I- I am." Sadie softly said.

You gave her a knowing look as you put on your top. You went back into the closet and pulled out your converse sneakers, putting them on.

"Okay, lets go." You told her.

"Right behind you, babe." Sadie replied as she followed you out of the bedroom.


During the car ride to the restaurant, Sadie tapped her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the radio and you placed your hand on her thigh, rubbing it with your thumb.

You knew she was hard from when she saw you naked earlier and you were in the mood to tease her. She gripped onto the steering wheel as you moved your hand up her thigh to play with the zipper on her jeans.

"Wh- what are you doing?" Sadie asked you.

"I know you're hard. I figured I'd help you out so that you're not uncomfortable during dinner." You innocently said.

"Is that even safe?" Sadie glanced down at your hand. "I don't want tomorrow's news articles to read 'stranger things couple y/n l/n and Sadie Sink die during car sex'."

"Drive carefully." You told her as you unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down her zipper.

"Yes, ma'am." Sadie whispered.

You reached into her boxers, pulling out her hard length. Sadie gripped the steering wheel as she rested her head against the headrest. You wrapped your hand around her shaft and started to slowly stroke up and down.

"Oh, shit." Sadie groaned.

You bit your lip as you stared at her. You glanced down at the gps, noticing that you were three minutes away from the restaurant.

"What if I don't finish in time?" Sadie asked you.

"Then you're gonna sit through dinner with a boner." You said.

"Seriously?" Sadie whined.

You slowed down your strokes on her dick. "Don't complain or else I won't jerk you off at all."

"Okay. I'm sorry, i'm sorry." Sadie apologized.

You nodded at her and sped up your paste again. You now were a minute away from the restaurant and Sadie was so close to finishing. Her dick twitched but right as she was about to cum you pulled your hand away.

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