Reviewing 80s Products | S.S.

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This is basically that one interview with Joe, Dacre, and Natalia except its you and Sadie

"Hi, i'm y/n l/n."

"And I'm Sadie Sink."

"And we're going to be deciding which eighties things are rad or bad." You said.

acid wash jacket

You reached into the box that was on the table in front of you and Sadie and pulled out some denim.

"Alright, we got some acid wash denim." Sadie said as she looked at the denim in your hands.

"I think this is pretty rad." You looked inside the jacket and looked at the label. "Oh, it's not rad it's juicy."

"It's juicy." Sadie laughed.

atari 2600

Sadie reached into the box and pulled something out. "It's a... it's a video computer system thing."

"It's an atari." One of the producers told you two.

"Oh. Can I see it?" You asked Sadie.

"Yeah." She handed it to you.

You took it. "Oh, it even has the cable. We could technically plug it in right now but I doubt we have the right tv for that."

"I'd say it's rad." Sadie said.

"Yeah." You agreed.

bucket hats

Sadie gasped as she pulled a bucket hat out of the box. "It's a bucket hat. I've seen these around."

"Yeah, those are rad." You nodded.

"These are becoming trendy again." Sadie smiled as she put the hat on. "I think its... it's a look."

"You look good." You told her.

"It's mysterious." Sadie looked at you with a smile.

You laughed. "What's under the bucket hat."

leg warmers & fishnet gloves

You reached into the box and pulled out a piece of fabric. You took a better look at it before your eyes widened.

"It's an arm sock." Sadie said.

"Where does this go?" You asked the producers, in shock.

"And where does this go?" Sadie asked as she pulled out a bigger one.

"Oh my god!" You exclaimed.

You and Sadie both bursted into a fit of laughter.

futuristic glasses

"Oh, this is definitely rad." Sadie said as she pulled two pairs of sunglasses out of the box and put them on. "Here wear these ones."

You took them from her and put them on. "I look like that one guy from Star Trek."

Sadie laughed. "We're twinning."

"Yeah, these are totally rad." You smiled.

sony walkman

"Oh." You said as you reached in the box and pulled out a walkman.

"Oh, it's a walkman." Sadie smiled.

You put the headphones on and then looked at all the buttons in confusion. "Here. You would know how to use this." You said as you showed her the buttons.

Sadie inspected the buttons before she pointed to one. "Press that."

You pressed the button that Sadie pointed at and it made a weird nose. You slightly widened your eyes and looked at the producers, afraid that you broke it.

perm & crimped hair

Sadie laughed as she reached into the box and pulled out a wig. "Is this a perm?"

"This is bad." You said as you pulled out the other one and put it on.

"I don't know, you look pretty rad to me." Sadie smiled at you.

"You're funny." You sarcastically said as you took off the wig. "It's like Gaten's hair in season 2."

cabbage patch kids

"Shoes?" You said as you pulled out a pair of tiny shoes.

"Its for the cabbage." Sadie told you.

"Oh." You reached into the box and pulled out the doll. "What the hell."

"Oh my god." Sadie laughed.

"That's so scary." You said as you turned the doll around. "Ugh, it's wearing a diaper. There's more!" You pulled out a second doll as Sadie continued to laugh at you. "This is bad."

la look hair gel

"What do we have here?" Sadie asked as she pulled out a bottle of hair gel.

"That's like... high school theatre." You said as you watched Sadie open the bottle and smell it.

"Smell it." Sadie held the bottle to you.

"Ugh." You cringed as you smelled it. "I remember wear- we- my- I-" You stuttered. You groaned as you put your hands over your face.

"It's okay." Sadie comforted as she rubbed your back. "Take your time."

"Nevermind." You sighed.


"Uh." You pulled out a transformer from the box and pressed a button on it and it started to light up and make noise. "Now it's rad."

"That's cool. It walks itself." Sadie said she watched you set it down on the table.

You two watched it walk until it walked off the table.

"Oh shit." You said as you quickly got up to get it and Sadie laughed as you did so.

"It's still going." Sadie laughed.

"That's rad." You smiled as you put it back in the box.

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