Hickey | S.S.

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You sat down at the vanity in your bedroom as Millie set down all her makeup right beside you. You asked her to cover up a hickey that Sadie gave you because you didn't know how to. The reason you wanted it covered up is because you had to go out to dinner with your parents and it would be really awkward if they saw it.

"Can we do this on a live stream for my florence by mills account?" Millie asked you.

"Why?" You whined.

"Because it would be fun." Millie responded in the same whiny voice. "Like a little makeup tutorial."

"Fine." You said.

Millie smiled before she set her phone up in front of you. She started the livestream as you inspected the purple mark that Sadie left on your neck.

"Hi guys, it's Mills here." Millie introduced as you just sat there, looking at the screen. "If you're an idiot like y/n here and you let your girlfriend give you a hickey right before you have to go out to dinner with your parents, this is how you get rid of it." Millie said and you just grinned. "Don't smile. You dumbass." Millie insulted you in a whisper tone.

"I told Sadie-"

"No!" Millie cut you off before she started laughing. "There's no excuses."

You laughed too as she tilted your head to the side so she can have a better view of your neck.

"And y/n you can learn too since you don't know how." Millie said as she picked up some color correcting and a mini brush. "So, i'm just gonna use this mini brush to put some green on the hickey. Green works better than any color."

Millie moved some of your hair out the way as she applied the green right over the hickey. It took a bit because the hickey Sadie gave you was pretty big. You watched Millie in the mirror.

"I hope my mom isn't watching this." You said.

Millie laughed. "Does she follow this account?"

"Uh, I think so." You slightly nodded.

"Oh. Well, if she is... hi y/n's mom." Millie waved at the camera.

You smiled. "Hi mom. Please don't yell at me."

Millie laughed as she picked up the beauty blender and started to blend out the green. "Now, I'm gonna put some translucent anti-shine powder on it so that the color correcting doesn't move when we put the concealer over it."

"I'm bored." You whined after a few seconds of silence.

"Well... I don't know what to tell you." Millie sighed. "Don't let Sadie give you hickeys before going out in public."

"Well, usually I don't cover them up but since i'm going to see my parents, I wanted to because I don't want them seeing it." You chuckled. "I look like shrek." You said once Millie was finished with the anti-shine powder.

"You do." Millie laughed as she picked up the contour. "I'm gonna put contour on so that you don't look green."

"Aww." You pouted.

Millie rolled her eyes. "Do you wanna go out to dinner with a green neck? That's worse than going out with a hickey."

You smiled. "Okay."

Millie put the contour all over your neck before she picked up the concealer. Your bedroom door opened causing you and Millie to turn your heads. You watched as Sadie walked into the room with a slight smile on her face.

"Here's the culprit." Millie said as Sadie walked over to you both.

"Sadie." You smiled.

"What did I miss?" Sadie asked.

"Like you dont know." Millie said as she lightly pushed Sadie away. "Now go away. You can't be in here."

"Why not?" Sadie frowned. "I just wanted to say hi to my girl."

You smiled as you tilted your head back to look at Sadie. "Hi."

"Hey." Sadie smiled as she looked down at you.

"No!" Millie yelled out as she noticed Sadie was about to kiss you. "Don't. You're gonna ruin all my hard work."

You smiled as Sadie leaned down and kissed you anyways.

"How dare you cover up my artwork." Sadie said to Millie.

"She asked me too." Millie defended herself as she applied the concealer on your neck.

"We both would be in trouble if I kept it on for dinner." You told Sadie.

Sadie let out a groan causing you to playfully roll your eyes. Millie blended out the concealer on your neck.

"There. You're done." Millie said as she patted your shoulder.

You looked at your neck in the mirror and once you saw that the hickey was gone, you smiled. "It's like Sadie's lips were never there."

Millie smiled, proud of her work, as she ended her live stream and you stood up from your chair.

"Thanks, Millie." You said.

"You're welcome."

"Yes, yes, thank you and goodbye." Sadie said as she ushered Millie out the room.

"Don't give her another hickey!" Millie ordered.

"No promises!" Sadie replied back as she shut the door in Millie's face.

You smiled as Sadie turned back around to face you.

"Come here, babe." Sadie smirked.

You went over to Sadie, looping your arms around her neck and connecting your lips with hers. You felt Sadie smile into the kiss as her arms wrapped around your waist.

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