Sleepover | S.S.

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You invited your best friend, Sadie, over for a sleepover. She had just recently broke up with her boyfriend and desperately needed a distraction from it so you thought that a sleepover was the best option.

The best part was that your parents were going out to dinner so it would just be you two which means you guys can do whatever you want.

"We won't be late." Your mom told you as she exited the house with your dad and closed the front door.

Sadie sat on your couch as you ran over to the window and looked out so that you could make sure your parents actually left. When you pulled back the curtains you noticed that both your parents were still on the porch, talking.

You furrowed your eyebrows and ran back to the door, opening it and stepping outside. "Um, what are you guys still doing here?" You asked as you closed the door behind you.

"Your mother thinks that we should stay home." Your dad informed you.

You widened your eyes. "And break date night? You guys, go." You took both of their wrists and guided them off the porch. "Do date night things that i'm trying not to picture right now."

"The only thing-"

"We've got pizza money." You cut your mom off.

"I just think that maybe I should cook dinner for you and Sadie." Your mom said.

"Mom, she just broke up with her boyfriend." You told her. "The last thing she needs right now is a family dinner."

"Okay." Your mom finally gave in. "Alright, have fun."

"Thank you."

"I love you." Your mom replied as she walked away with your dad.

"Okay, bye." Your dad waved to you.

"Bye." You said to them.

You went back inside your house to see Sadie sitting on the couch while reading a magazine. You shut your front door and turned to her as you let out a breath of relief.

"Alone at last." You told Sadie and she slightly laughed.

"So what are we gonna do first?" Sadie asked, putting down the magazine.

You smirked and went over to the bar in your dining room. You looked at Sadie as you picked a bottle of vodka. "To make the night a little more fun." You winked.

Sadie laughed. You opened up the cabinet and took out two glasses. Sadie came over to you and stood next to you as you filled up the glasses. You gave Sadie a glass and then picked up your own. You took Sadies hand in your own and dragged her to your bedroom.


You and Sadie were sitting on your bed talking about random things. You both had a drink in your hand and you both were slightly buzzed too.

You sat against the headboard of your bed as Sadie leaned on a pillow at the end of your bed.

"So he really cheated on you?" You asked Sadie, referring to her ex.

"Mhm." She took another sip of her drink. "Saw it with my own two eyes. Worst part about it is that he told the whole school that I cheated on him."

You scoffed. "What an asshole."

"Right?" Sadie exclaimed. "Sometimes I feel like we'd be better off without boys."

"I will drink to that."

You both clinked your glasses and took another sip. Sadie swallowed her drink and then coughed.

"What did you put in this anyways?"

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