The Next Shadyside Killer | Z.B.

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Ziggy was on her way to your cabin to check on you because she hasn't seen you all day, which was unusual. Usually the two of you would go around camp and pull pranks on a few campers.

"Y/n?" Ziggy called out as she knocked on your cabin door. "Y/n, it's Ziggy. Can I come in?"

Ziggy waited a few seconds for an answer but she never got one. Ziggy opened your cabin door and went inside. She noticed you laying in your bed and shaking.

"baby, are you okay?" Ziggy worriedly asked as she quickly went over to you and sat on your bed.

You groaned in response.

"I'm gonna go get Nurse Lane, okay?" Ziggy told you as she stood up from your bed. "I'll be right back."

Ziggy quickly left your cabin and ran to the nurse's building. When she got there, Nurse Lane was nowhere to be found. Ziggy groaned before leaving the nurse's building. As she left, she noticed Cindy with Tommy, Alice, and Arnie.

"Cindy!" Ziggy shouted as she ran over to her sister. "Something is wrong with y/n and I can't find Nurse Lane."

"Ziggy, what do you want me to do?" Cindy asked.

"I don't know! Just, please... I'm really worried about her." Ziggy begged.

"Cindy! Let's go!" Alice rushed.

"I'm sorry, Ziggy. I have to go." Cindy apologized before walking off with Tommy, Alice, and Arnie.

Ziggy clenched her fists out of anger as she watched them go. Ziggy mumbled curse words under her breath as she walked all the way back to your cabin.


Tommy, Alice, Cindy, and Arnie had arrived at the witch's house. Alice was the first one to go inside the hole while the others waited outside.

"Hey, someone's been down here." Alice called out to the others as she looked around with her flashlight. "Like, recently."

Cindy crawled into the hole followed by Tommy and Arnie. They all looked around at all the weird stuff with their flashlights.

"Look at all this witchy shit." Alice laughed. "It's Sarah Fier."

"Sara Fier isn't real." Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Well, someone lit that candle." Alice smirked as she walked over to a tunnel and shined her flash light down it. "Hey, Sarah Fier, if you're in here, say something! Maybe she's shy." Alice said before crawling through the tunnel.

"Ali... Alice!" Cindy scolded as she followed her through the tunnel.

"Whoa!" Alice exclaimed as she exited through the other end of the tunnel.

There was a marking in the middle of the room with a candle lit.

"It's some kind of, like, occult thing..." Alice noted. "Like Devil worship."

"It's the witch's mark." Cindy furrowed her eyebrows.

"The what?" Alice asked.

Cindy flipped through the pages in the book that they stole until she came across the page about the witch's mark. "A deal was made with the Devil. Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone in exchange for eternal life, scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark, bringing darkness upon the land." Cindy read.

"That's it." Arnie suddenly said. "It's acetaminophen."

"Arnie, what are you talking about?" Alice asked him.

"L484. It just hit me. It's fucking Tylenol. It's nothing." Arnie told them.

"Are you sure?" Cindy asked.

"Positive." Arnie nodded. "Come on, Alice. Let's get out of here. Pretty sure Joan might still have some weed if we pay her." Arnie said before crawling back through the tunnel.

Alice didn't follow him out. She had her eye on something else. She widened her eyes before going back over to Cindy. "I need to show you something."

"This place... it keeps on going." Cindy said.

"Now!" Alice ordered.

Alice stood up and lead Cindy over to a stone wall with names on it. She pointed her flashlight at one of the names.

"Cyrus Miller." Alice shined her flashlight at more names. "Billy Barker. Ruby Lane."

"Mary's daughter." Cindy said.

"Yeah." Alice nodded. "Isaac Milton, Harry Rooker. You don't have to go to fucking class to know those names."

"The Shadyside killers." Cindy realized.

"Yeah. Except one." Alice pointed her flashlight at another name.

y/n l/n

"Y/n?" Cindy asked, shocked. "Alice, this isn't funny."

"What, you think I carved your sisters girlfriends name into solid stone with my fingernails?" Alice sarcastically asked. "Someone else did this."

Cindy widened her eyes in worry. "Ziggy."


"Okay, the mess hall didn't have tea but I got you more blankets." Ziggy said as she walked into your cabin.

Ziggy looked over at you to see you sitting on the edge of your bed with your hands resting on your thighs. You were staring at the wall with a blank look on your face.

"Y/n/n?" Ziggy asked as she walked over to you. "Hey." She waved her hand in front of your face. "Talk to me, baby. What's going on?"

Ziggy looked into your eyes and realized how dead you looked inside. Almost as if it wasn't you but someone else. Someone else taking over your body.

Right when she was least expecting it, you pounced on her. You tackled her to the ground and wrapped your hands around her neck. Ziggy choked and gasped for air as she tried to push you off of her.

Right as Ziggy's vision was about to go dark, something hit you in the back of the head and knocked you out. Ziggy gasped and tried to catch her breath as she saw Tommy, Cindy, Alice, and Arnie standing over her.

"Come on." Cindy said as she helped Ziggy up off the floor.

They all ran out the cabin. Ziggy stood in the doorway, getting one last look at you before running after the others.

And so began the Camp Nightwing massacre of 1978...

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