Missing You | S.S.

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Sadie walked out of the bathroom with your golden retriever puppy, Calvin, following her. She picked Calvin up in her arms just as she saw you still asleep in bed, laying on your side. It was only 9:30 in the morning and she was about to head to set.

She walked over to the bed, set Calvin down, and then sat down next to you. Sadie looked at you for a few seconds before she put her hand on your hip.

"Y/n." Sadie whispered. When you didn't answer, she lightly shook you. "Baby."


"I'm going to work." Sadie told you.

You slowly opened your eyes and pulled the blanket up higher as you looked at her. A smile formed on Sadie's face.

"Okay." You mumbled.

Sadie always woke you up right before she left for work. Ever since your parents divorced when you were twelve, you always felt so alone. Then Sadie came along and you didn't feel so alone anymore.

Sadie knew about your separation anxiety and she did everything she could to keep you happy and safe. She always told you when she was going somewhere so you didn't think she abandoned you.

"Can I get a kiss?" Sadie asked.

You smiled as you sat up in bed. You leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips.

"I love you." You smiled.

"I love you, too." Sadie smiled back at you. "There's pancakes downstairs for you."

"Thank you." You said.

"You're welcome." She gave you another kiss on the lips before she got up from the bed. "I'll be home later tonight. Call me if you need anything, okay?"


Sadie opened up the bedroom door. "I love you. Bye."

"I love you, too."

She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. You smiled to yourself as you sat back in bed.

You sat in bed for a few more minutes before you got up. "Come on, Cal."

You opened the door and Calvin jumped off the bed and ran out the room. You walked downstairs and let Calvin outside to pee before you walked into the kitchen.

There was a plate of pancakes sitting on the stove with a note. You picked up the note and read it.

Made you some pancakes. Don't forget to take your meds.


You looked over and saw one of your anxiety pills and a glass of water. You picked up the pill and popped it in your mouth before taking a sip of the water.

You took a plate and then put a few pancakes on it. You got some syrup and poured it on the pancakes. You got a fork and then picked up your plate before walking into the living room.

You sat down on the couch and Calvin sat down next to you. You picked up the remote and put on Friends.

A few hours later, you started to miss Sadie. You paused the tv before picking up your phone and FaceTiming her. The phone rang for a few seconds before Sadie answered.

"Hey, love."

You sighed out of relief that she answered. "Hey."

"You okay?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just missed you and I wanted to hear your voice." You slightly smiled.

"I miss you, too. Do you need me to come home?" Sadie asked, concerned.

"No. I'm okay." You told her but she could tell you were lying.

Sadie stood up from the couch she was sitting on in her trailer. "I'll be home as soon as I can."

Sadie hung up the phone. You shut off your phone and then got in a comfortable position on the couch. Calvin stood up from his spot and moved to lay down next to you.

About 20 minutes later, Sadie arrived back home with some McDonalds. She took off her shoes and hung up her jacket.

"I'm home!" Sadie walked into the kitchen and set the food on the island. "I brought you food." Sadie waited for an answer but didn't get one. "Baby?"

Sadie walked into the living room and saw you asleep on the couch. The tv was on and Calvin was asleep right next to you. She picked up the remote and shut the tv off. You slightly jolted awake at the sound of the tv turning off.

"Hey." Sadie softly said causing you to look at her. "It's just me. I brought you home McDonalds."

You rubbed your eyes as you got off of the couch and walked over to her.

"Thank you." You leaned up and kissed her.

Sadie wrapped her arm around your waist and led you into the kitchen. You sat down in a chair at the island while Sadie went into the fridge and took out a salad.

She sat down next to you while you opened the McDonalds bag and took out your food. Sadie looked over at you and slightly nudged your shoulder. You looked at her and cracked a smile.

Sadie smiled at the sight of you smiling. "Do you wanna cuddle after we eat?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

You and Sadie looked at each other for a few seconds before she kissed you. The kiss lasted a while before Sadie pulled away and you chased after her lips.

"Eat your food." Sadie smiled. "I paid $10.25 for it."

You chuckled as you continued to eat your food and Sadie continued to eat her salad.

After you and Sadie finished eating, you fed the dog before the two of you went upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Did you wanna watch tv?" Sadie asked as she laid down in bed.

"No. I just wanna cuddle." You told her as you laid down next to her.

"Fine with me." Sadie smiled as she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer to her.

She pressed her front against your back, spooning you from behind. You let out a content sigh as Sadie kissed the top of your head.

"Thank you." You mumbled.

"For what?" Sadie asked.

"For always being there for me and making me happy." You replied.

Sadie smiled and then planted a kiss on your neck. "You're welcome, my love."

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