Who Knows Me Best | S.S.

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btw i answered these questions with the way I would answer them so sorry if it doesn't match you

You invited Sadie and Millie over so that you could do a who knows me best competition for your youtube channel. The three of you sat on the floor in your bedroom. You in the middle with Sadie on your left and Millie on your right. You gave both of them a whiteboard so that they could write down their answers.

"Okay, are you guys ready?" You asked them.

"Yeah." Sadie said.

"Are you gonna do me dirty?" Millie asked.

"What do you mean?" You slightly laughed.

"Are you gonna ask questions that only Sadie knows." Millie said.

You laughed. "No, no. I swear. I gotta do an intro so be quiet."

Millie rolled her eyes at you while Sadie just smiled.

"What's up guys. It's y/n. Today I have my girlfriend." You pointed at Sadie. "And my best friend." You pointed at Millie. "We're gonna see who knows me better."

"Me." Sadie said.

"Yeah, probably." Millie nodded and you all laughed.

"So, first question." You looked at your phone that had the questions on it. "I'll start with a very easy one. Who was my first kiss?"

Sadie and Millie immediately started writing. They both flipped their boards and you looked at their answers. Sadies board said 'me' with a smiley face and Millie's board said 'Sadie'.

"Alright, good. You both got it." You smiled. "Next question. What is my favorite ice cream flavor."

Sadie and Millie looked at each other.

"There is only one right answer." You told them.

"God, y/n." Millie said before she started writing.

"I think I know it." Sadie said and started writing.

They both flipped their boards. Sadie's said 'mint chocolate chip' and Millie's said 'chocolate'.

"Sadie got it." You pointed at her.

"What? You told me it was chocolate." Millie whined as she erased her board.

"She loves chocolate but her all time favorite is mint." Sadie told her.

"Girlfriend of the year award." You held your hand up for Sadie and she high fived you with a smile. "What age did I start acting?"

They both wrote down an answer before flipping their boards. Millies board said 'seven' while Sadies board said 'eight'.

You looked at Sadie. "Seven!"

"Seven?!" Sadie repeated in shock.

"Yes!" Millie cheered. "That's probably the only one I will get right."

"Sadie, come on. I'm rooting for you to win." You told her.

Sadie sighed. "Okay. Okay."

"What is my favorite song?" You asked.

"I've never heard you listen to music." Millie shook her head.

"Oh!" Sadie realized before writing something down.

"There's two that I would accept. If you get both I'll give you two points." You told them.

They both flipped their boards. Sadies board said 'Don't Blame Me and Enchanted by Taylor Swift' and Millie's board said 'anything by Taylor Swift'.

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