Tutor | M.M.

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"Mom, I don't need a tutor." You said as you followed your mom around the kitchen while she put away the dishes.

"Yes you do. You're failing Math." Your mom said.

Report cards came in the mail and your parents weren't thrilled to find out that you had a D in Math so your mom thought that it was best to get you a tutor. At first you weren't opposed to it but then you found out who it was and you weren't happy about it.

"Okay, but... Max Mayfield?" You questioned.

Ever since Max moved here and joined the party you've hated her. The boys of course were more than happy to have her because of how pretty she is. Mike has even had many elaborate plans to get you and Max to be friends but they've all failed. You never understood why he wanted you to be friends with her.

Once El had returned, avoiding Max had become easier. Whenever the party hung out all together you would just stay with El. But since then, El has also become closer to Max so now you just ignore Max fully.

"You know, I still don't understand why you hate her." Your mom told you.

"Because she's..."

You tried to think of a reason why you hated her but you couldn't. She was just too perfect. Max is always so nice to you even if you don't deserve it. And to top it all of she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.

"I just do okay?" You responded.

"That's not a good enough answer. Now go get ready because she'll be here soon." Your mom told you.

You groaned before going upstairs and into Mike's bedroom. "This is all your fault." You accused.

"What did I do?" Mike asked.

"I don't know but I know its your fault." You said.

"Is this about Max being your tutor?" Mike wondered and you stayed silent. "Okay... so when are you gonna admit that you like her?"


Mike scoffed. "Come on, y/n. It's obvious that the only reason you hate her is because you love her. You hate that you love her."

"I do not love Max!" You yelled.

Mike furrowed his eyebrows at you. You looked at him with a thoughtful expression. You thought about Max's perfect smile, her bright blue eyes that are so easy to get lost in, her beautiful hair that you just wanna run your fingers through, the way those freckles perfectly paint her face, her strong jawline.

"No!" You flopped down on Mike's bed.

"What?" Mike asked.

"I do love her..."

"Yeah, I know." Mike said.

"Shit. What do I do?" You asked him.

"Ask her out." He said.

"How do I even know if she likes me back?" You wondered.

Mike scoffed. "Trust me she does. El tells me that every time she hangs out with Max, Max talks about you."


"Y/n! Max is here!" You heard your mom yell to you.

"Oh no." You said as you stood up from Mikes bed.

"Good luck!" Mike smiled.

You mumbled curse words under your breath as you walked downstairs and saw Max standing in the kitchen with your mom.

"Hey Max." You said.

"Hi y/n." Max greeted.

You were nervous to spend the next two hours with Max. Alone. Especially since you had just come to terms with that you're in love with the girl and she might also be in love with you. But little did you know, Max was just as nervous.

"Well, you two have fun." Your mom said before leaving.

You watched your mom leave before looking at Max. "So we could probably go in my bedroom or something."

"Y- your bedroom? Like... alone?" Max stuttered.

"Yeah." You then widened your eyes. "If- if thats okay with you of course."

"No, no, no, no. Thats... thats per- it's totally okay with me." She nervously smiled.

"Cool." You nodded before leading her upstairs.

"Cool." She quietly said as she followed you.

Once the two of you entered your bedroom, you shut the door and she went to set up her stuff at your desk.


"So, x=4?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Max smiled.

Max has been tutoring you for about an hour and you hated to admit it but you were really enjoying hanging out with her.

You looked up from the paper to see Max already looking at you.

"See I told you you could do it." She smiled.

"Maybe I just have a really good tutor." You complimented causing her to blush.

"Or maybe you're just smart." Max teased.

You shrugged. "Math isn't really my best subject."

"Yeah, but... it will be." She promised. "In about a month I guarantee you'll be a Math genius."

You laughed. "We'll see."


Over this past month you and Max have gotten really close. She's been coming over every Saturday to tutor you in Math.

"How's my little Math genius?" Max smirked as she entered your room and shut your door.

You smiled at her. "Good. How are you?"

"Better now that I get to spend my next hour and a half with you." Max flirted as she sat next to you at your desk.

You playfully rolled your eyes as you two started to get to work on a Math page that she brought for you.


"I hate this new unit." You said as you put your pencil down. "I'm so bad at it."

"You just need a little more practice." She told you.

"I miss when Math was easy and we were learning what 1+2 is." You said as you crossed your arms.

Max let out a little laugh. You accidentally nudged your pencil and it fell off the desk. You and Max both reached down to pick it up. She ended up getting it first and you accidentally put your hand on hers.

"Sorry." You blushed as you pulled your hand away.

You and Max both looked up at the same time to see that your lips were just inches a part. You could feel her hot breath on your lips as the two of you just stared into each others eyes.

Max glanced down at your lips before she quickly kissed you. Once Max pulled away she saw the look of shock on your face.

"I'm- I'm sorry..." She apologized.

"No, you're good." You smiled.

"I dont know why-"

You cut her off by placing your lips on hers. Max slowly melted into the kiss as did you. Max put her arms around your neck as yours went down to her waist.

Your lips moved together in sync and it wasn't long before you felt Max's tongue lick your bottom lip. You parted your lips, letting her tongue slip into your mouth and dance with yours.

Your bedroom door then opened and you two quickly pulled away. But it wasn't quick enough as Mike had seen you two kissing.

Mike stared at you and Max in shock. You and Max just stared right back at him. Mikes eyes glancing down at where your hands were placed on Max's waist and then to where Max's arms were around your neck.

Mike, not knowing what to say, slowly closed your door and left. You and Max looked at each other and laughed before going back to kissing.

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