Sunnyvale Trash | Z.B.

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You were walking the streets of Shadyside with your Sunnyvale friends, causing mischief and having a good time. As you were walking down the street, you bumped into Ziggy.

You and Ziggy went to camp together and had never gotten along. You were always competing with each other, and you had a habit of flirting with her just to get a rise out of her.

"Hey, Ziggy." You said with a smirk. "What are you doing here?"

"I live in this town." Ziggy crossed her arms. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your own town with the other Sunnyvale trash?"

You pointed to your friends who were a couple feet behind you. "You mean like them? Yeah, we should be, but your town is more fun."

"How so?" Ziggy asked.

"Well, for starters. You're here." You flirted.

Ziggy rolled her eyes. "You are unbelievable."

You laughed. "Come on, Ziggy, you know you love it when I flirt with you."

Ziggy scowled, but you could see the amusement in her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said. "I think you're insufferable."

You grinned. "That's what you say, but I know the truth."

Ziggy shook her head, but you could see that she was trying not to laugh. "Whatever."

"Are you excited for the first day of camp tomorrow?" You asked her.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Ziggy said.

"Alright, what gives? Why don't you like me?" You asked her.

Ziggy thought about it. She couldn't think of a reason. Everything about you was perfect to her, even the things that shouldn't be. Your bad attitude, your bad reputation. But you were also sweet and charismatic. You always put others before you. You were the misunderstood bad girl from the wrong side of the bridge and Ziggy loved that.

"You're just annoying." She lied.

"Aw, thanks. Well, see you tomorrow." You winked at her before you continued walking down the street.

"Fucking Sunnyvalers." Ziggy mumbled to herself as she kept walking down the street.


The next day was the first day of camp. You had already gotten settled into your cabin so now you were just walking around camp. That it is until someone caught your eye. Ziggy was sitting against a tree and she looked like she was crying. You furrowed your eyebrows before you walked over to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked as you sat down next to her.

Ziggy quickly wiped her tears and looked at you. Her eyes were red and puffy. The sight made your heart break. Ziggy sighed and looked away from you.

"Come on, talk to me." You slightly nudged her arm.

"Why should I?" She slightly snapped.

"I wanna make sure you're okay." You honestly said. "If someone is bothering you-"

"Just go away. I don't need your pity." Ziggy said.

You rolled your eyes as you got up. "Alright then. I just wanted to help."

You kind of expected her to push you away. She always was stubborn. You started to walk away until she stopped you. She felt bad because you were just trying to do a good thing.

Ziggy sighed. "Wait."

You turned around and looked at her.

"I could use some company." She slightly smiled.

You slightly smiled back at her before you sat down next to her again. "So, what's got you so glum."


You groaned. "What'd that bitch do this time?"

Ziggy looked at you with raised eyebrows.

"What? I don't have to like everybody from my town." You said. "Anyways, what did she do?"

Ziggy showed you her arm that was slightly wrapped up. "She tied me to a tree and then tried to light me on fire."

You clenched your fists out of anger. "What an asshole."


"You know in first grade she fell in a puddle during recess and her pants were all wet and all the kids were making fun of her cause they thought she pissed herself." You told her, trying to make her feel better.

Ziggy laughed. "Really?"

"Yup. Everybody called her Sprinkling Sheila." You said.

Ziggy laughed again. "That's brilliant."

"Thank you. I came up with it myself." You cockily smiled.

"You know, I actually feel better." Ziggy genuinely smiled at you.

"Really? Cause I didn't know how to make you feel better. I was kind of just talking." You shrugged.

"Yeah. Thank you." Ziggy wrapped you up in a hug before she stood up. "Maybe you're not the Sunnyvale trash I thought you were."

You smiled.

"Later." Ziggy waved at you before walking away.

You watched her go. "Huh." You said shortly after as you leaned your head back on the tree.


Later that night, you were walking through camp, making your way to Ziggy's cabin. You had gone to Sheilas to confront her about what she did to Ziggy. Long story short she didn't like you standing up for Ziggy so you two got into a little argument. Then a little argument turned into a fist fight and now you were walking to Ziggys cabin with a black eye and bleeding knuckles.

Once you got there, you knocked on the door. Ziggy opened it and she soon widened her eyes when she got a look at you.

"What happened to you?" She asked as she took your hand and pulled you in her cabin.

"Oh, no, I'm fine." You said as she pushed you on her bed. "I wanted to tell you that I took care of Sheila."

Ziggy went into a cabinet and took out some gauze and a wrap. "What do you mean you- What did you do to her?"

"Relax. She's fine." You promised as Ziggy put the gauze on your knuckles and she started to wrap your hand. "She's just passed out on her cabin floor."

"Why did you fight her?" Ziggy shook her head in confusion.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "She hurt you. I couldn't let her get away with that."

"Y/n, that's sweet but I don't need you fighting my battles for me." She told you as she sat down next to you.

"I just wanted to help." You said. "It probably doesn't seem like it but I care about you a lot and I never want you to get hurt."

"I know. I know. And I love you for that." Ziggy suddenly realized what she just said causing her to go wide eyed.

You cockily smirked. "Did I just hear Ziggy Berman say she loves me."

"No... No, I- I-" She put her hands over her face as she groaned.

You removed her hands from her face. Ziggy looked into your eyes as you looked into hers. You slowly leaned in. You stopped once your lips were centimeters away from hers. You wanted to give her a chance to pull away just in case she didn't want this.

When she didn't stop you or pull away, you took that as a yes. You leaned in further and connected your lips with hers.

Ziggy gently cupped your face in her hands. Your arms made your way down to her waist, wrapping around them as you pulled her closer to you. You slightly tilted your head, deepening the kiss.

Ziggy's heart started to race as she felt your gentle yet insistent movements, your lips molding against hers in perfect synchrony. Neither of you wanted the kiss to end but soon air became a problem and you both pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long."

"Me too, Ziggy. Me too."

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