Date Night | S.S. (Part 2)

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You gave Sadie a kiss on the cheek before you got off of her lap and stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby."

"Not so fast." Sadie stood up and took your hand before you could walk away. "You need to live up to your end of the deal."

"Oh, do I?" You teasingly asked her with a smirk.

"Yes, you do." Sadie said before picking you up.

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist. Sadie smiled back at you as she carried you to her bedroom. When Sadie got into her bedroom, she set you down on her bed and hovered over you.

"Take off your clothes for me." She ordered before giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

Sadie got off of you and went into the closet. You watched her go before you started to take off your clothes.

A few minutes later, Sadie came back out wearing nothing but a strap-on. She smiled when she saw you sitting on the bed fully naked.

She got on the bed and settled herself in between your legs. Sadie leaned down and planted her lips on yours. You immediately wrapped your arms around her and tangled your fingers in her hair.

"Already wet?" Sadie asks with a slight smirk as she ran her fingers through your folds and she rubbed some of the wetness on the tip of the cock.

You blush slightly before you pulled her back in for a kiss. Sadie gently pushed the tip inside of you causing you to groan into the kiss.

"Shit." Sadie whispered in your ear as pushed herself deeper inside of you while you adjusted to the feeling.

"Oh, god." You squirmed underneath her causing her to put a hand on your thigh to get you to stop moving.

"Stop moving, what do you need?" Sadie asked.

"I need you to go faster." You moaned.

Sadie's going painfully slow but only because she didn't want to hurt you. She obeys your orders and begins to thrust into you.

You sigh while moaning. "Oh, yeah... fuck."

"Does that feel good?" Sadie grunted.

You closed your eyes and bit your lip while nodding.

"Can you handle a little more?" Sadie asked.

"Mhm." You moaned as you gripped onto the bed sheets.

Sadie speeds up her thrusts, beginning to pound your pussy with the seven inch strap.

"Oh, fuck... that's so good. Oh, fuck!" You moaned.

"Look at me." Sadie demanded.

You open your eyes, but struggle to keep them open. You open your mouth to moan but nothing comes out.

"Close are you?" Sadie asked.

"Mmm... yes... yes! Please keep going!" You moaned loudly.

You keep eye contact with Sadie but she notices you gripping onto the bed sheets.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on stopping." Sadie smirked.

She slams into you and your legs try to close but she keeps them open. The only sound filling the room is your moans and the sound of skin slapping. Your wetness makes it easy for the strap to go in an out of you. Then, your pussy clenches around the strap as you moan her name.

"Fuck, Sadie!" You scream as you arch your back and you break eye contact as you moan.

Your cum fills you up and it comes leaking out when you she pulls out. She looks down at your throbbing pussy and the cum that drips out of you. Your legs go slack onto the bed as your chest heaves up and down.

"What a pretty little mess I've made." Sadie smirked.

You watch as Sadie gets up to put the strap away. She then goes into the bathroom and comes back out with a towel. She cleaned you up before throwing the towel on the floor and laying down next to you.

She pulled the covers over you both and you put your leg over her waist as you laid your head on her chest. Sadie put her arm around your waist and drew circles on your back. It was quiet for a little bit until Sadie spoke up.

"Do you wanna move in with me?"

You lifted your head up from her chest to look at her. "Really?"

Sadie nodded. "Only if you want too."

"Of course I want too." You smiled before kissing her.

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