On Set | S.S.

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Sadie g!p

You and your girlfriend, Sadie, were together on set, waiting for the crew to finish preparing the bedroom set. You two were about to film a steamy make out scene between your two characters for your tv show.

Sadie was casted in the show as a guest star and then she was brought back as a recurring character because fans really liked your onscreen chemistry.

You stood in front of Sadie with your back pressed against her front. She had her arms around your neck.

"Wanna know what my favorite part about filming this scene is?" Sadie asked.

"What?" You smiled as you leaned your head back on her shoulder, looking up at her.

"I get to kiss you and nobody will know that I'm not acting." Sadie smiled as she looked at you.

"Yeah." You said.

You and Sadie have been secretly dating for a couple months and you rarely got alone time on set. The only time you could act all lovey dovey on set was when filming a scene. But you often liked to test her limits and do risky things to see if you ever get caught.

"Awww what do we have here? The little love birds?" your castmate Charlie teasingly asked as he walked over to you and Sadie, recording on his phone.

You and Sadie looked at him before you moved away from each other to stand side by side.

"Hey. I saw that." Charlie joked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We were just having a nice conversation like friends do." Sadie lied.

"Mhm." Charlie hummed.

You looked at Sadie with a slight smile. Sadie looked back at you with nothing but love in her eyes. Anybody with a brain could tell that you and Sadie obviously loved each other.

"Woah, what was that?" Charlie asked.

You looked back at him. "That was a friendly stare. Any other girl would have gotten lost in Sadie's eyes and then they would do this."

You looked back at Sadie and started to lean in. Sadie started to lean in to but before you two could kiss you swerved her and looked back at Charlie.

"See?" You lightly punched Sadies shoulder. "This is my best friend right here."

Sadie slightly clenched her jaw before looking back at Charlie. "Well, nice talking to you but we have to go film a scene."

Sadie took your hand and started pulling you towards set. "That was a really risky thing you did there."

"Relax. He wont post that video until the season drops." You assured her.

"But still." Sadie said.

"Dont act like you weren't about to kiss me back." You smirked.


Once you both got to set, you sat on the bed. Sadie sat next to you, leaving a little bit of distance between you two. Your director walked over to the two of you.

"Alright, girls. We're gonna start it from Sadies line 'you're so beautiful'." The director informed you.

"Got it." Sadie nodded.

The director walked off the set. "Action!"

Sadie looked into your eyes, gently brushing her fingers against your cheek. "You're so beautiful." She whispered.

You smiled. "And you're irresistible."

Sadie leaned in and closed the distance between you two, capturing your lips in a tender, lingering kiss. Sadie wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't acting. She was kissing you just how she would kiss you if you two were alone.

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