You're Destroying Everything | M.M.

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You were sleeping peacefully in the basement of your home when all of a sudden you heard loud music. You sprung awake along with Mike and Lucas, who were also sleeping in the basement. The three of you quickly sat up to see Will in his Will the Wise costume.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked him.

"Yeah, Will, can you turn down the music?" Mike asked.

"Please address me by my full name." Will ordered.

"What?" You asked.

Will tapped his staff on the ground. "My full name!"

"Oh, my God." You groaned as you rubbed your eyes. "Okay, Will the Wise, can you please turn down the music?"

Will furrowed his eyebrows. "That is not music. That... is the sound of destiny! I have seen into the future, and I've seen that today is a new day, a day... free of girlfriends!"

"What is happening right now?" Lucas asked.

"Will, come on." Mike groaned.

"A tribe of villagers are under threat from an evil force from the swamps of Kuzatan." Will said as he pointed to the table with his campaign.

"Will, it's so early." You complained.

"Is it? Is it early, y/n?" Will asked you as you shared a look with Lucas. "Tell that to the villagers crying for your help, the children so frightened, they can not sleep. Are you truly going to let them perish? Or are you going to come to their rescue and become the heroes you were always meant to be?"

"Uh... can I at least take a shower first?" Lucas asked.


Will had somehow convinced the three of you to play with him and now the four of you were sitting at the table. You were in between Lucas and Mike. The three of you had blank looks on your faces as Will led you through his campaign.

"Do you guys hear that? It sounds like... thunder. But, no, wait. That's not thunder. It's..." Will put down a bunch of little zombies. "A horde of juju zombies! Lady y/n, your action."

"What should I do?" You looked at Lucas.

Lucas shrugged. "Attack?"

"Okay, I attack with my flail." You said before rolling the dice.

"Whoosh! You miss. Your flail clanks the stone, the zombie horde lumbers towards you, and..." Will rolled his dice. "The juju bites your arm. Flesh tears! Aah! Seven points of damage."

"Oh, no, my arm." You grabbed your shoulder before looking at Mike and Lucas with no emotion. "Mike, Lucas, look, my arm."

Mike and Lucas snickered as you smiled. Will looked down with a frown on his face.

"Sir Lucas, the zombie horde returns!" Will suddenly said as he looked at Lucas. "Do you fight back or do you run?"

Lucas was about to answer but then the phone started ringing. You, Mike, and Lucas quickly looked at the phone. You were hoping it was either El or Max since the two of them were pretty mad at you and Mike.

"No! It's a distraction!" Will exclaimed as he stood up. "A trap. Do not answer it."

You, Lucas, and Mike looked at each other before putting down your d&d books and running to the phone.

"What... No!" Will yelled.

Mike got to the phone first but you pushed him out the way and put the phone to your ear.

"Max?" You hopefully said into the phone.

"Y/n." Max said on the other line.

"Max." You smiled out of relief.

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