Car Accident | S.S.

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You were in your car, driving home as fast as you could. Tonight was date night and you had lost track of time while you were at work. You knew Sadie would be furious with you so you had to think of a way to make it up to her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." You cursed under your breath as you glanced at the clock and stepped on the gas.

You heard the ringing of your phone and you didn't even have to look at the contact name to know it was Sadie. You let out another curse word as you picked up your phone, placing it on the holder that was connected to your air vent.

Sadie's pov

I was sitting on the couch in y/n and I's apartment. I was bouncing my leg and glancing at the clock every five minutes. She was over an hour late for date night and I was getting more angry with every second that passed by.

I took out my phone and quickly dialed y/n's number. It took a few seconds but she finally picked up after the third ring. I didn't even give her a chance to explain herself before I started yelling.

"Where the fuck are you?!"

"Sadie, baby, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry. I lost track of time at work." Y/n apologized.

"I don't fucking care! Get your ass home!" I yelled.

"Alright, alright, i'm-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence because there was a loud crash. Right before I could say something, the phone cut out and hung up.

I sat there in shock for a few seconds before I grabbed my keys and sprinted out the door. I checked y/n's last known location and sped over there.


When Sadie started to get close to your last known location, she could see a bunch of cop cars, ambulances, and two totaled cars. One of them being yours.

"Oh, y/n." Sadie said as her eyes welled up with tears.

Sadie quickly pulled her car over, got out, and ran over to the crash. She went over to your car but you weren't in there. Sadie heart dropped. Her mind being filled with all the possibilities of where you were.

Was she hurt badly?

Was she already at the hospital?

Maybe she's okay?

Is she dead?

"Miss." Sadie turned around and saw an EMT walking up to her. "Can I help you?"

"Y/n. Where's y/n?" Sadie frantically asked.

"Are you family or something?" The EMT asked.

"I'm her wife! Where the fuck is she?!" Sadie yelled at him.

The EMT held his hands up in surrender before pointing to an ambulance with a stretcher inside. "She's in there."

Sadie took off running to the ambulance, jumping inside and kneeling down next to your unconscious body.

"Y/n." Sadie placed her hand on your cheek, lightly caressing it. "Baby, it's me, Sadie. Please wake up."

Right after she said that two EMT's stepped into the back. One of them was the EMT she previously spoke to.

"Ma'am, you can't be in here." One of the EMT's said.

"It's okay. That's her wife." The other EMT said.

The EMT sighed and nodded, closing the back of the truck. Sadie sat by your side, holding your hand, as the ambulance turned on the sirens and started driving.

"What happened to her?" Sadie asked, a few tears falling down her face. "Is she gonna be okay?"

"We're not gonna know until we get to the hospital and run a few tests. All we know is that she was hit by a drunk driver and he didn't survive." One of the EMT's said.

Sadie looked back at you, praying that you would be okay and that you would live.


Sadie has been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for almost 2 hours. Once they got to the hospital the doctors rushed you into surgery.

Sadie felt like she had been waiting in this waiting room for days. She felt so guilty. If the last conversation she had from you was an argument she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

"Miss Sink?"

Sadie quickly stood up from her chair, looking at the nurse. She was hoping that this was good news about your surgery.

"Yes? That's me." Sadie said.

The nurse walked over to her. "Y/n's surgery went really well. She has a concussion and a few fractured bones. She's still asleep but you're free to see her now. She's in room 228."

Sadie sighed of relief. "Thank you so much."

Sadie sprinted down the hallway to the elevators. She pressed the floor you were on and anxiously tapped her foot. Once the doors opened she went off to find your room.

Once she found your room she waited outside, trying to get the courage to go into the room. She looked through the window and saw you asleep in the bed, an iv hooked to your arm.

Sadie took a final breath before stepping in the room. She pulled a chair up next to your bed and broke down into tears at the sight of you.

Your head had a bandage on it, you had a few scrapes on your face, your right arm was in a cast and sling due to your broken wrist and fractured collar bone, and your left leg was also in a cast.

"Baby." Sadie cried as she laced her fingers with yours. "I'm so sorry my love. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have rushed you home." Sadie paused for a second. "Please don't leave me, baby. I love you so much."

Sadie waited for a response but obviously she didn't get one. At least that's what she thought until she saw your eyes flutter open. You slowly turned your head to look at Sadie, your eyes half open and trying to adjust to the light.

"Sadie?" You mumbled.

"Y/n." Sadie smiled.

"I'm sorry I missed date night." You told her after a few seconds of silence.

"Honey." Sadie got off her chair to kneel down next to your bed as she moved some hair out of your face. "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm just glad you're okay."

"I love you." You told her.

"I love you, too, my girl." Sadie softly said.

Even through your halfway closed eyes, you could see that she was crying and extremely worried about you.

"I'm gonna be okay, Sades." You promised her.

Sadie nodded. "I know you are, baby. You're a tough girl, you can get through anything."

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