Picture | M.M.

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Max g!p

You arrived at Max's house to hang out with her. You knocked on the door and her mom opened it. She had a cigarette in her hand and she looked very tired.

"Oh, hey, y/n." She greeted and you gave her a tight smile. "Max is in her room."

Her mom opened the door more and let you in. You thanked her before walking over to Max's room. You walked into her bedroom only to find Max sitting in her bed, her jeans unbuttoned as she jerked off to a picture in her hand.

"Oh my god." You quickly covered your eyes.

"What the fuck?!" Max exclaimed as she quickly put her dick back inside her jeans and buttoned them back up. "Don't you knock?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be... you know..." You panicked as you slowly uncovered your eyes.

Max crossed her arms as she sat up and leaned against the headboard of her bed. You slowly shut her bedroom door before noticing the picture on her bed.

"Who's the picture of?" you asked her.

"None of your business." Max snapped as she quickly picked the picture back up.

"Come on, show me." You begged as you sat on her bed and reached out to grab the picture.

"No." Max said as she pulled it back.

"Let me see!" You snatched the picture out of her hand.

You took a look at it before realizing that it was a picture of you. Your smile fell and Max quickly took the picture of you and tossed it under her bed.

"Are you jerking off to me?" You smirked.

Max didn't say anything as she moved her gaze down to the floor. You bit your lip and crawled over to her. Max slowly looked back at you as you leaned down, capturing her lips in a slow and lustful kiss.

Max's eyes fluttered closed as she placed her hands on your hips, pulling you down so that you were straddling her. You smiled into the kiss as you placed your hands on her neck.

You pulled away from the kiss causing Max to chase after your lips. "Your mom is still here."

Max bit her lip in thought before she guided you off her lap. She went over to her desk, pressing the play button on her stereo and her mixtape started to play. The first song being Running Up That Hill. She turned up the volume and then locked the door before sitting back down on her bed.

You smiled before straddling her again and connecting your lips with hers. You started to grind your hips against her. You let out a groan at the friction and the feeling of her dick hardening.

"Max..." You whimpered. "I need you so bad."

"I need you too." Max softly said.

You smiled before taking your shirt off and throwing it on the ground. Max reached around you, unclasping your bra and letting it fall. Max slid her hands up your hips groping your boobs. You bit your bottom lip as you watched her.

You got off of Max and took off your sweatpants and underwear, getting fully naked. Max unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down along with her boxers. You watched as she took off her shirt and bra.

"Ready?" You asked.

"Mhm." Max nodded.

You straddled her again, slowly sinking down on her shaft as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

"Ugh..." You moaned. "You're so big, Max. I don't know if i can take it..."

Max smirked. "You can take it."

Max placed her hands back on your hips as you slowly moved your hips back and forth. You soon speed up your movements making your breasts move.

Max reaches up and starts to knead your breasts. You look down at her, staring into her eyes as you ride her.

"Shit." You whispered.

"Yeah... fuck yourself, baby." Max moaned.

Her dick hits your g-spot making you almost scream. "Fuck, Max!"

"Are you close?" Max smirked.

You gripped onto her shoulders as your mouth opened but no sound came out. Max put her hand on your stomach and started to rub your clit.

"Are you gonna cum for me?" Max asked.

"Mhm!" You whimper.

Max starts to thrust her hips upwards, meeting you halfway. You throw your head back as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Max groans as she feels your walls tighten and your juices coat her dick. You moan uncontrollably and Max watches your facial expressions.

"Fuck, i'm about to cum." Max groans.

You get off of her and she starts to stroke her cock up and down at a fast paste. You sit there and watch as she closes her eyes and lets out groans and whimpers, trying to make herself cum.

You run your hand up and down her thigh. "Come on... cum for me." You seductively said.

Max slightly throws her head back, letting out one final groan and cumming. She pants as she opens her eyes and looks at you.

You smile and lean in to kiss her. "Now, wasn't that better than staring at a picture of me?"

Max chuckled. "So much better."

"You know, I've been dreaming of being fucked by you ever since I met you." You told her.

"You... you have?" Max slightly sat up.

"Mhm. And I was hoping we could go another round. Right now." You suggested.

Max smirked. "Would you be able to hand another round?"

"Would you?" You asked.

"I could go all day and night." Max told you.

"Could you? You can't even sit there and listen to me talk without cumming." You teased.

"Yes I can." Max argues.

"Wanna make it a challenge?" You asked.

"Sure. This is gonna be an easy win." Max smirked.

"You sure? Cause my pussy is throbbing for you." You seductively said.

"Oh, is it?" Max asked.

"Mhm. God, I would just love for you to fuck me senseless right now." You moan. "Make me cum all over your big cock."

Her dick stands up causing you to smirk.

"I just wanna feel your dick inside of me." You told her. "Oh, god! I need to feel your dick inside of me. Push your dick all the way inside of me, stretching out my tight little pussy."

You notice her breathing start to get heavy. "Don't you just wanna tie me up and choke me?"

She tenses up a little bit. "Come on, baby, just fuck me! Fuck me so hard i'm screaming your name."

You see her dick twitch before she cums.

"Fuck!" Max exclaimed.


"God dammit." Max groaned.

"What's my reward?" You smirked.

Max sighed. "What do you want your reward to be?"

"I want you too... take me on a date."

Max smiled. "Before I take you on a date, can you do one thing for me?"

"Sure, what is it?" You nodded.

"Be my girlfriend?" Max hopefully asked.

"Yes." You threw your arms around her neck and kissed her.

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