Prank Wars | S.S.

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"So, what exactly do you need my help for?" Noah asked you as he walked into your trailer.

"I wanna prank Sadie." you told him.


"For fun!"

"Alright. So what do you need me for?" He asked you.

you threw him a blonde wig. "Put this on."

He caught the wig and furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's a cheating prank." you explained. "Now go sit on the couch. Sadie texted me that she's on her way back."

He put on the wig and sat down on the couch. "What am I supposed to do?"

"When she walks in the room, lean in to kiss me. But don't actually kiss me." you told him.

"Well, no shit. Sadie's gonna kill you." He told you.

"I'm willing to take the risk." you said.

Sadie had just finished filming the scene in Dear Billy where she has to get possessed by Vecna so she was physically and mentally exhausted. She walked into her shared trailer with her girlfriend, expecting for you guys to watch a movie on the couch until you had to film your scene. What she didn't expect was for some blonde girl to have her lips inches away from yours.

"What the fuck?!"

The blonde girl hid her face as you quickly turned to look at Sadie.

"Sadie! It's not what it looks like I swear!" you told her as you stood up from the couch.

"What's going on?" Sadie asked hurt, her eyes started to fill with tears.

"Uh... It's..." You stuttered.

Sadie pointed to the door. "Get the fuck out."

"Sadie, let me explain." You pleaded.

Sadie folded her arms. "Fine. Explain."

You pulled the wig off of the girls head to reveal Noah.

"See? It's just Noah."

Noah looked at Sadie and waved slightly. Sadie ignored him and looked at you with a mad facial expression.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave." Noah said before leaving.

"So.... How was your scene?" You asked her with a sheepish grin.

Sadie unfolded her arms and sighed. "What's wrong with you?"

"A lot." You joked.

Sadie smiled. "Stop trying to be funny, I'm still trying to be mad at you."

Sadie came over to you and hugged you. Sadie rested her head on your chest as you rested your head on Sadies.

"You're stupid." Sadie told you.

"I'm sorry." You apologized.

"You should be." Sadie said.

"Do you forgive me?" you asked.

"I will... Once I get you back." Sadie told you.

You laughed as you pulled away. "I'd like to see you try."

Sadie scoffed as she left the trailer. She ran to Millie's trailer and knocked on the door.

Millie opened it. "What's wrong? You look like you just got done crying."

"I did. Kind of."

She moved aside and let Sadie in her trailer.

"So what happened?" Millie asked.

"y/n pranked me. She put Noah in a wig and made it look like she was cheating on me." Sadie informed her.

"Oh my God. You should get her back." Millie told Sadie.

"That's why I'm here. I don't know how." Sadie told her.

"Hmm." Millie thought. "Oh, she told me that she's always afraid of Jamie when he's dressed as Vecna."

"That's perfect!" Sadie smiled. "We'll have Jamie scare her while she's walking to her scene."

Millie and Sadie quickly ran out of Millie's trailer and over to where the makeup trailer was. Inside they saw Jamie dressed as Vecna.

"Jamie! Wanna help us prank y/n?" Millie asked him.

"Sure. What do I have to do?" He asked them.

"Well, she's afraid of you when you're dressed like that so you just have to scare her. The three of us are gonna hide behind a wall and as she's walking to her scene your gonna pop out and scare her." Sadie explained to him.


It's been a couple minutes and Sadie still hadn't come back from wherever she went. You still felt pretty bad about your prank. You had to go do your scene so you just decided to make it up to her after you were done. You walked through the halls, making your way to set when Jamie, dressed as Vecna, popped out of nowhere and scared you. You let out a shriek and fell to the floor. Millie and Sadie came out from behind the wall, laughing. You looked up at Sadie and sniffled.

"Are you okay?" Sadie asked you as she bent down next to you.

You punched her in the shoulder. "That was mean!"

"Oh, but what you did to me wasn't?" She asked with a smirk.

You looked up at Millie and saw her press a button on her phone. "Were you recording? Don't post that!"

"Too late." Millie said as she put her phone away.

"I hate you both." You said.

Sadie stood up and held her hand out for you. You took it and she pulled you up. You immediately let go of her hand and walked off to your trailer with Sadie behind you.

"Alright, now I forgive you." Sadie said with a smirk as you two entered your trailer.

You have her a glare. "I'm gonna have nightmares now."

Sadie came over to you and kissed you on the lips. "I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?"

You gave her another kiss. "Hmm. Take me out to a fancy dinner?"

Sadie nodded. "Sure."

You pulled Sadie in for another kiss. The kiss got heated and Sadie pushed you down on the couch, straddling your waist. Not breaking from the kiss she unbuttoned your shirt and took it off. She started to grind her hips against you, each of you letting out low groans. Before you two could go any further Maya and Natalia bursted into your trailer.

"y/n- woah!"

You and Sadie quickly pulled away from your kiss and looked at them.

"I told you! You owe me five bucks." Maya said to Natalia.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't think they would be fucking in here." Natalia said to Maya.

"Ew! We weren't fucking!" You exclaimed.

Sadie looked at you with a hurt expression, her arms still on your shoulders. You looked at Sadie before looking back at Maya and Natalia.

"I mean, not yet."

"Whatever. Did you forget we had a scene to do?" Maya asked you.

"Oh, shit!" You cursed.

Sadie bit her bottom lip as you looked at her.

"Can you just give me like... ten minutes?" You asked Maya and Natalia.

"y/n." Natalia lightly scolded.

you sighed. "Alright, I'm coming."

Sadie got off of you and you put your shirt back on.

"We'll finish this later." Sadie whispered to you.

"I'll try to be quick." You told her with a smile.

You gave her a kiss on the lips before following Natalia and Maya to set.


If you have any requests let me know. They don't have to be just Sadie. They can be Max, Ziggy, or Sadie.

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