Break Ups | S.S.

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You and your boyfriend broke up a couple days ago and you haven't left your room since. All of your family and friends have been texting you but you've been ignoring them.

"y/n!" your roommate and best friend, Sadie, said as she entered your bedroom. "You're still in bed? It's 2 in the afternoon. How much longer are you gonna mope around for?"

"Until the pain goes away." You replied.

Sadie sighed before walking over to you and pulling you out of bed.

"Sadie!" You whined as she pulled you out of your bedroom. "Where are we going?"

"To have some fun. There's more to life than stupid boys." She said as she grabbed her car keys and left the house.

"Don't let your inner Max come out." You joked.

The two of you made a pit stop at Starbucks before making your way to Target.

"Pick out anything you want." She said.


"Mhm." She said with a nod.

You made your way over to the food section and grabbed a bunch of candy and snacks.

"Of course you're getting food." Sadie laughed.

"Its for both of us. That is if you wanna have a movie night?" You wondered.

"Depends on the movie." She said.

The two of you walked over to the cash register and payed for the food. You went back in Sadies car and she drove back to the house. She helped you carry in the food and set them down on the coffee table. You both sat down next to each other on the couch and turned on the TV.

"What are we watching?" Sadie asked you.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street." You smirked.

"y/n, no!" Sadie protested.

"Come on. It'll be fun!" You told her.

"I don't like scary movies." She pouted.

"Well, when you go through a break up you can pick out whatever movie you want." You smiled.

"I hate you." She said as she crossed her arms.

"I love you, too." You said as you started the movie.

Halfway through the movie a jumpscare came on. Sadie screamed and wrapped her arms around your waist, making you blush. Lucky for you it was dark so Sadie couldn't see the blush on your face.

She's just scared. It doesn't mean anything. You kept telling yourself.

By the time the movie ended Sadies arms were still around your waist.

"See? That wasn't so bad." You said.

"We're never doing that again." She told you.

"Well, time for bed!" You said as you got up and ran to the bathroom, leaving Sadie alone in the dark.

"y/n!" Sadie shouted. Sadie got up and started walking to her bedroom that was next to yours. "y/n, come on, this isn't funny!" Sadie started to get scared when you wouldn't answer. "y/n?"

Sadie screamed as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She quickly turned around and punched you in the face. You groaned in pain.

"Oh my god!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Jesus, Sadie." You said as you felt the blood come out of your nose.

"y/n, don't scare me like that!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the bathroom.

You sat on the sink as she handed you a tissue.

"Here. Hold this to your nose until the bleeding stops." She told you.

"Since when could you throw a punch?" You asked.

"My dad taught me when I was 14." She replied.

You removed the tissue from your nose and Sadie winced as she saw a cut on your nose.

"Jesus Christ, y/n." She reached into the sink cabinet and pulled out a bandaid and rubbing alcohol.

"You're the one who hit me." You argued.

"Because you scared me." She fought back.

She held another tissue to the cut on your nose until it stopped bleeding. She poured some rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball.

"This is gonna sting." She told you before holding out her hand. "Squeeze my hand when it hurts."

You grabbed her hand and she started to clean your cut. You winced and squeezed her hand once you felt it sting.

"I know. I'm sorry." She apologized.

You looked at Sadie, seeing that your lips were inches away from hers. One shove and the two of you would end up kissing. She finished cleaning the cut and put a bandaid on it.

"There. Good as new." She smiled.

"I don't know about that." You said.

"I hope scaring me was worth it." She sarcastically said.

"Well, your face was priceless so it definitely was." You smiled.

She smiled and hit you in the arm. You laughed while looking into her eyes.

God, you're so beautiful.

"Thank you." Sadie smiled.

"Oh shit. Did I say that outloud?" Your face immediately went red.

Sadie laughed. "Yup."

You looked at her before slowly leaning in and so did she. Finally, you're lips connected. She put her arms around your neck as your lips moved in sync. Your hands went to her waist. The two of you pulled away and smiled at each other.

Me after I reread this:

————-Me after I reread this:

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