Comfort Person | M.M.

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TW: panic attack

Max was sitting in her Math class getting ready to take an important quiz. She studied all night for this quiz but as soon as she took a look at the first question, her mind went blank.

Max had forgotten everything she studied. Her hands started to shake and her vision started to get blurry as her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Lucas whispered.

Max looked at him for a second before standing up and walking out of the classroom. Mike and Lucas looked at each other before standing up and following Max out of the room.

They ignored their teacher who was calling out after them. They didn't care if they got in trouble. All they cared about was making sure their friend was okay.

Once they exited their classroom, they saw Max pacing back and forth with tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath.

"Max? Whats wrong?" Mike asked with worry evident in his voice.

Max just looked at the two of them as she hyperventilated. "Y/n."

"Y/n?" Lucas asked.

"Can you... can you get her?" Max choked out.

"Where is she?" Mike asked.

"Library. Its where she goes during her free period." Lucas told him and Max nodded.

Mike nodded before running off towards the library. Max put her hands over her face as she slid down the wall and sat down. Lucas sat down next to her and tried to cheer her up.

Meanwhile, Mike was sprinting down the hallways, trying to get to the library. He entered the library and saw you sitting at a table, drawing in your notebook.

"Y/n." He said as he walked over to you.

You looked up from your notebook and saw him. "Mike?"

"You need to come quick. Somethings wrong with Max." He told you.

You widened your eyes. You knew she had an important quiz this period and Mike seemed really worried which probably meant that Max was having a panic attack.

You knew about Max's anxiety and you were also the only one who knew how to handle it.

You got up from your seat and ran out of the library, leaving all of your belongings behind.

Mike ran beside you and he lead you over to where Max was. As soon as you turned the corner you saw Max sitting on the floor, hugging her knees with Lucas sitting beside her.

"Max." You said as you ran over to her and sat down in front of her. "Come here, baby."

Max jumped into your arms, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her head in your chest as she continued to cry.

"Shhh. Its okay." You whispered as you rubbed her back. "What happened?" You asked Mike and Lucas.

"I dont know. The teacher handed out the quiz and then she just ran out of the room crying." Lucas told her.

You continued to rub Max's back as you whispered comforting words into her ear, occasionally making jokes to try and cheer her up.

Mike and Lucas stayed with you guys since they wanted to be here until Max was okay.

"Im right here, baby." You comforted her. "Just take deep breaths, okay. In..." You took a deep breath in. "And out." You let out a breath.

Max followed your instructions and after a few minutes Max's cries turned into sniffles. You heard her take a deep breath before she finally removed her head from your chest to look at you. You smiled at her before wiping the tears off her face with your thumb.

"You wanna talk about it?" You asked her.

Max shook her head. "Later."

"Of course." You nodded. "You want me to take you home?"

Max nodded.

"Okay. Mike, Lucas, and I will go talk to your teacher and then I'll take you home, okay?"

"Mhm." Max said. "Im sorry."

"For what?" You asked.

"Ruining your free period and making you leave school." She said as she looked at the ground.

"Hey." You took her hands in your own. "Look at me."

Max slowly looked up from the ground and into your eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry, okay? These things happen. And id rather be with you and make sure you're okay then be in school."

Max smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too." You gave her a quick kiss on the lips before standing up. "Stay here and we'll go talk to your teacher."

Max nodded before you, Lucas, and Mike went inside the classroom to talk to the teacher.

Lucky for you, the teacher understood and said that you can take Max home and she can take the quiz another day.

You walked over to Max's desk and put all of her stuff in her backpack. You put her backpack on and left the classroom.

"Lets go, baby." You held out your hand for her and she took it. "I just need to get my stuff from the library and then we can go."

"Okay." Max said. "Thank you."

"Of course, darling." You gave her hand a little squeeze.

Max smile before giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"And I talked to your teacher and she said that you can take the quiz whenever you're ready." You told her.

"Okay." Max nodded.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you more." Max smiled.

You scoffed. "Not possible."

Max let out a laugh as you both continued to walk to the library.

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