Camp Crush | Z.B.

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You were running through the woods trying to get away from Sheila, Will, Becky, and Annie. Sheila had caught you stealing some money from her and she wasn't very happy.

You turned your head to see if they were still chasing you. You turned to look forward again but you had bumped into something that made you fall to the ground.

You touched your nose and then looked at the blood that was on your fingers. You looked up and noticed the four of them standing over you with angry looks.

"You're gonna hang, witch." Sheila said.


You were now being dragged over to the hanging tree as Sheila, Will, Becky, and Annie chanted some witchcrafty shit. The four of them had tied your wrists to a rope and then threw you to the ground right in front of the tree.

"String her up." Sheila ordered Will.

"No, stop it! Stop it! Stop." You begged as Will tied you to the tree.

You turned around to face them all, your hands held high above your head from the rope as blood still trickled down from your nose.

"Let me down, you shits! Let me down!" You shouted at them.

You pulled on the ropes as Sheila came over to you, reaching her hands in the pockets of your shorts before pulling out $10 in cash. You blew some hair out of your face as Sheila held up the money.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Sheila taunted.

"Goddamn thief!" Will insulted.

"No. No, she's no thief." Sheila shook her head. "She's possessed by the witch. It's the only way to explain her psycho behavior."

"Fuck you!" You elbowed Sheila right in the face causing Becky and Annie to gasp while Will just looked at you, baffled. "Guess we're even now." You smirked as you saw Sheila's nose bleeding.

Sheila stepped closer to you. "You do know what they did to Sarah Fier, right? They hanged her, from this very tree. But she would have died forever if you did what you always do to witches... You burn them." Sheila looked at Will. "Give me your lighter!"

"What?" Will furrowed his eyebrows and you widened your eyes.

"Give it to me!" Sheila yelled.

Will held out his lighter and Sheila took it out of his hand.

"Now, hold her legs." Sheila ordered Becky and Annie.

"Seriously, Sheila?" Becky asked.

"Do it!" Sheila pointed to your legs as she flicked the lighter.

Becky and Will didn't ask anymore questions as they each grabbed onto one of your legs. Sheila stepped closer to you as you protested and begged for her to stop.

"No, no, no! Stop it! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" You pulled on the ropes and tried to get your legs free but it was no use.

"Shut up, you witch." Sheila gritted through her teeth.

"Sheila! You made your point." Annie jumped in.

"Don't!" You pleaded.

"Sheila, it was only ten bucks." Will added.

Sheila ignored everybody as she moved the lighter closer to your arm. She flicked it on and the flame sparked. You tried to move back as she held the flame up to your arm. Annie was still screaming at Sheila to stop.

"No, no, no!" You screamed as the flame left a burn on your arm.

"The hell is this?"

Sheila quickly moved the flame away from your arm as Becky and Will stood up. You looked up and noticed Ziggy Berman running over to you all. You talked to her a few times and have a tiny crush on her but you weren't that close.

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