Baby Fever | S.S.

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Sadie g!p (last one I swear)

You and Sadie were getting ready to throw a party to celebrate her new role in a movie. You had Sadie clean the house while you made the food.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n!" Sadie exclaimed as she ran over to you.

You were standing in the kitchen, cutting up some lettuce for the salad. You set down your knife and turned to look at Sadie with a small sigh. She had baby fever so you knew that this was gonna be one of her attempts at asking to have a kid.

"Can we please have a baby." Sadie begged, dragging out the please.

You sighed again. "Sadie, we've talked about this."

"But, look!" Sadie showed you her phone. "I put our faces into one of those baby filters to see what our kid would look like."

You looked at the picture. "That is very cute. I do want to have a kid with you but I dont think now is the right time."

"Why?" Sadie pouted.

"Because you're gonna start filming soon." You told her.


"No buts."

"Not even yours?" Sadie smirked.

You playfully rolled your eyes before turning back around and continuing to cut up the lettuce. "Maybe when you're done with filming."

"But, y/n/n, the set is only an hour away from our house." Sadie continued to beg causing you to set down the knife again and look at her. "I'll still be around to take care of you."

"Well, what about your late night shoots?" You crossed your arms. "Or your early morning shoots? Sure, you'll still be in town but you wont be around as much."

Sadie bit the inside of her cheek, thinking. Her face lit up as she thought of an idea. "You can come to set with me."

You slightly smiled. "You still wont have time for me. You'll be working."

"I'll talk to the director. Take some extra breaks, im sure he'll understand." Sadie compromised

"I'll just get in the way." You shook your head.

"No you wont." Sadie said.

"Sades, I'm gonna be a needy pregnant woman with pregnancy hormones and mood swings on the set of a movie." You told her. "I dont think anyone would want that."

"I do."

"Sadie." You said. "When you're done filming, I promise we can try for a baby."

"But thats in like... 4 months!" Sadie complained.

You shrugged. "Oh well."

Sadie groaned as you went back to cutting the lettuce. "You're mean."

You rolled your eyes. "Did you finish cleaning?"

"Yes." Sadie nodded.

"Great. Can you take the potatoes out of the oven, please?" You asked her.

Sadie walked over to the oven and opened it. She went to grab the tray before quickly pulling her hand back with a scream, closing the oven back up.

"What?!" You yelled as you looked at her.

"Its hot!" Sadie yelled back as she showed you her burnt hand.

"Oh my god." You whispered. "Well, no shit! They were in the oven at 350 degrees for over an hour!"

Sadie looked at you with a frown before glancing down at her hand. You sighed before walking over to her. You grabbed her wrist and guided her to the sink.

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