Teenager In Love | M.M.

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You and Max have been secretly dating for five months now. Unknown to you and Max, the others are starting to catch on. They're starting to realize how you and Max randomly leave the room together and not come back for a while.

"Do you guys think Max and y/n are acting weird?" Mike asked Lucas, Will, Dustin, and El.

"Yeah." Dustin replied. "The other day Max whispered something to y/n and she giggled. And y/n never giggles."

"They've been so secretive lately." Will pointed out.

"Shh. They're coming back act normal." El hushed.

You and Max walked back down into Mikes basement with smiles on your faces.

"Hey, you two!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Hi?" Max said as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Let's get this movie started." Will changed the subject.

Dustin, Lucas, and Will sat down on one couch and you and Max sat down on the other while Mike and El sat down on the floor. Mike put on the movie and you all fell into a comfortable silence. A few minutes later Max leaned over to you.

"Meet me in the kitchen." She whispered in your ear.

You nodded.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Max said before getting up and leaving.

One... two... three... one... two... three... one... two... three...

"Im gonna go get some more drinks." You told everyone before getting up and leaving.

Dustin sighed. "They're doing it again."

You walked out of the basement and saw Max looking around the kitchen. Her face lit up when she saw you.

"Hey you." She smiled as she walked over to you and put her arms around your neck.

"Hey." You put your arms around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss.

You lifted Max off the ground and set her down on the counter. Your hands moved down to her thighs, squeezing them lightly. Max pulled away from the kiss. You chased after her lips for a split second.

"I'm so in love with you." Max said dreamily.

You smiled. "There are no words to describe how much i'm in love with you."

She pulled you back in for another kiss. You made out for a couple seconds before you moved your lips down to her neck. You sucked on her sweet spot making her let out a few moans. You started to lift up her shirt but the sound of El's voice made you stop and pull away from Max.

"Are you guys okay? I heard screaming." El said.

"Yeah. Max just..." You looked at Max for an excuse.

"I bumped my knee on the counter." Max lied.

"Oh, okay." El said.

You helped Max off the counter.

"What happened to your neck?" El asked, pointing to the hickey on Max's neck.

"I fell." Max answered quickly.

"Listen El. Tonight was fun. Tell the others that Max and I went home." You told her as you pulled Max to the door.

"Bye." Max waved as the two of you left the Wheeler household.

"Shall we finish what we started back at my place?" You smirked.

"We shall." Max smiled before kissing you again.

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