Honeymoon Phase | S.S.

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Today, you, Sadie, and a couple other of your friends were going to play laser tag. Your team was you, and your three friends Olivia, Conan, and Madison while Sadies team was her, Millie, Finn, and Caleb.

"Okay, guys, before we go in we need to have a team meeting." Conan said as he made you all huddle up.

"Conan, this isn't a football game." Liv told him.

Conan ignored her. "Those guys are smart and they're gonna find ways to trick us. If you see them, shoot and run. If they offer you something dont take it."

Madison did a fake cough. "Y/n."

"Hey." You whined. "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything." Liv shrugged. "You just cling to Sadie all the time."

You scoffed. "Okay, miss drivers license, i dont want to hear it."

Olivia stuck her tongue out at you before Madison pulled you both away from the argument.

When Conan was done with his little speech, everyone went into the laser tag room. You all split up before the lights shut off and the game started.

You held your gun up, ready to shoot, as you turned a corner only to see Sadie. She slightly jumped and held up her gun.

"Hey, you." You smirked at her, putting your gun in its holster and walking up to her causing Sadie to take a step back and put her finger on the trigger. "I wont shoot you. I promise."

"I cant take any chances." Sadie replied.

"Sadie, put your gun down." You crossed your arms.

Sadie sighed before she put her gun in the holster. You smiled as you walked up to her, pushing her against the wall and wrapping your arms around her neck.

Sadie placed her hands on your hips. "What are-"

You cut her off by locking your lips with hers. Sadie hummed in satisfaction as she slightly pulled you closer. You tangled your fingers in her hair as you deepen the kiss.

Sadie was too invested in your make out session that she didn't realize you reaching for your gun. You slightly pulled your body away from hers as you held the gun up, shooting it.

A noise came from the gun as the color in Sadies vest went out. Sadie pulled away from the kiss and looked down.

"Enjoy your 30 second cool down, babe." You whispered before pecking her lips and running away.

Sadie let out a content sigh. "It was worth it."


After the game was over you all left the arena to look at the scores. Your team won with you having the highest score and Finn had the highest score from his team.

"Y/n." Sadie greeted as she walked up to you.

"Sadie." You smiled.

"That was quite the trick you played on me." Sadie said.

You dramatically flipped your hair. "Thank you very much. Guess your not the only actress in the relationship."

"Whatever. Im gonna get you back." Sadie promised.

"Hm. How are you gonna do that?" You asked.

"Not sure yet."

You playfully punched her shoulder. "Dont be a sore loser, Sadie. I won fair and square."

You winked at her and started to walk away. You didn't get very far because Sadie had grabbed your wrist, turning you back around and placing her lips on yours.

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