Dear Diary | Z.B.

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Dear diary,
I've been hanging out with Cindy. Everybody thinks we're dating because Im always at her cabin. But I got a secret I must confess it's not her laugh or the way she'd dress. She's not the reason I've been thinking about love. Everyday when we hang out I lose my cool when she's around and I dont know if this is just a crush. How do I find the words to tell her? I'm in love Cindys sister.

"Whatcha doing?"

You screamed and closed your diary. You turned around to see Ziggy.

You put your hand over your heart. "Ziggy! Jesus, you scared me."

"Is that your diary?" She asked.

You glanced at your diary. "No."

"Then what is it?" She smirked.

"Its... uh... its a..."

"Diary." She finished. "Let me read it."

She tried to grab it from you but you pulled it away.

"What? No!" You yelled.

"Alright, alright. Chill." She put her hands up in surrender.

You put your diary under your pillow and stood up.

"Im going to the bathroom. If you lay a finger on my diary I will kill you." You threatened before leaving.

Ziggy sighed and sat down on her bed. She looked at your bed and then at the door then back to your bed. She smiled as she got up and took your diary. She opened the book and started to read it. Ziggy smiled as she read the last page.


She looked up and saw you standing in the doorway.

"Shit." She dropped the diary.

"Im gonna kill you." You said before running at her.

"Y/n, no!" She ran past you and out of the cabin.

"Get back here!" You yelled as she ran to Cindys cabin.

"Cindy, help!" Ziggy ran into Cindys cabin.

Cindy and Tommy looked at her in confusion.

"Whats going on?" Cindy asked as you ran into the cabin.

"Y/n is trying to murder me!" Ziggy pointed at you.

"Yeah, because your dipshit of a sister read my diary!" You yelled.

Cindy looked at Ziggy. "Ziggy! Why would you do that?"

"I was bored." Ziggy replied.

"That had some private stuff in it!" You yelled.

"Apologize." Cindy told Ziggy.

Ziggy sighed. "Fine."

Ziggy walked over to you and just stared at you. You crossed your arms and gave her a look telling her to go on. She looked at you before kissing you.

"Ooh." Tommy commented.

"I- when I said to apologize I didn't mean kiss her." Cindy said.

"I like you too." Ziggy ignored Cindy and smiled at you.

You smiled back. "Your apology is accepted."

Ziggy winked at you before grabbing your hand and pulling you back to your cabin.

Cindy looked at Tommy. "What the fuck just happened?"

"Did you just curse?" Tommy asked.

"Shut up, Tommy." Cindy said.

Give me some smut ideas and I'll write them lol

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