The Party | S.S.

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Today was your 21st birthday and you decided to celebrate it by throwing a huge party.

You stood in the kitchen with your best friend Sadie as the two of you shared a drink and talked.

"So hows it feel being 21?" Sadie asked.

"It feels the same." You shrugged.

Sadie nodded and was about to take a sip from her cup but then you took it from her and took a sip.

"Hey!" Sadie said.

"What? I thought we were sharing." You replied.

"You could have at least waited until I took a sip first." Sadie told you.

"Sorry." You then gave her back her cup.

Sadie took a sip from her cup and watched as your front door opened. She expected it to be one of your friends but was shocked to see your ex girlfriend walk in instead.

"Why'd you invite Sabrina?" Sadie asked you.


Sadie pointed behind you. You turned around to see Sabrina standing by your front door, looking around.

"Oh. I sent the invite to everyone in my contacts list." you said as your turned back to Sadie.

"You didn't delete her contact?" Sadie asked and you shrugged. "You dont still like her, do you?"

You shook your head. "Of course not. We're... kinda friends."

"Y/n!" Someone yelled your name.

You turned around to see Sabrina running over to you. You backed up and stood next to Sadie.

"Happy birthday." Sabrina smiled.

"Thanks." You said.

"So, how have you been?" Sabrina asked. "It's been, what? Two years?"

You nodded. "Yeah, two years. And I've been good. How about you?"

"I've been doing great actually." Sabrina said.

"do you want a drink?" You asked her.

"Yeah, sure." Sabrina smiled.

You smiled back at her and lead her over to the drinks. Sadie watched with jealousy as the two of you interacted.


Sadie stood in the kitchen, sipping on her drink as she watched you and Sabrina.

"Whats going on?" Millie asked as she walked up to Sadie. "You've had that jealous look in your eye all night."

"Im not jealous." Sadie said as her eyes never left you and Sabrina.

Millie followed Sadies gaze and saw you and Sabrina laughing together on the couch. "Oh. I get it now."

Millie has known about Sadies crush on you since season 2 started filming. Sadie has given you many hints that shes liked you but you were to oblivious to notice and then eventually you started dating Sabrina.

"She told me she didn't like her!" Sadie pointed out. "But they've been with each other all night, laughing and talking."

"Sades, I know you like her but-"

"There are no buts! Sabrina cheated on her, remember?" Sadie exclaimed. "Y/n doesn't deserve her..."

"I thought you were going to confess your feelings tonight?" Millie asked.

"I was but... I haven't gotten a chance to and it seems like some old feelings are rekindling between those two." Sadie said.

Sadie and Millie watched as Sabrina grabbed your hand and starting pulling you towards the stairs.

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