Bedroom Makeover | S.S.

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"Hey, guys." You smiled at your camera that was set up on your dashboard as you sat in your car. "Today we're gonna give Sadies bedroom a makeover. I have like 2,000 pictures of me that im gonna hang up in her bedroom." You held up a picture of you.

"Since I cant hang these up by myself, I asked Mitchell to help me and he agreed. Sadies on set for another 2 hours so im hoping that will be enough time." You said before starting your car and driving to Sadies house.


Once you arrived at Sadies house, you and Mitchell went upstairs to get start decorating.

"Say hi to YouTube, Mitchell." You smiled as you recorded him.

"Hi." He waved.

You set the camera down on Sadies dresser and turned it on time lapse.

An hour later and the two of you were almost done. You had hung up around 1100 pictures and you got more excited as you got closer to being done.

"I feel like shes gonna like this because she loves you so much." Mitchell said.

"Probably." You laughed.

You two had finally finished hanging up the pictures with about 20 minutes to spare. Before you got Sadies reaction, you wanted to get her family's reaction first.

You sat on Sadies bed so that you could get the reactions on camera and Mitchell stood next to you.

Spencer and Caleb had walked into the room together and as soon as they saw all the pictures, their jaws dropped.

"Oh my God." Spencer said as he walked farther into the room. "They're everywhere!"

Caleb laughed. "This is scary. Its like I have 2,000 y/n's staring at me."

You laughed at their reactions.

The next person's reaction was Jacey. As soon as she opened the door she got a glimpse of the room and she went wide eyed.

"What the heck." She laughed.

"You think she'll like it?" You smiled.

"Honestly... yeah." Jacey smiled. "Whenever you're not here she always goes on and on about how much she misses you and now she wont have to."

The next reaction was Sadies parents. As soon as they walked in her mom gasped while her dad just laughed.

"This is amazing." Her dad laughed.

"You did this by yourself?" Her mom asked.

"No. I helped." Mitchell said.

"Do you guys like it?" You asked them.

"It's definitely something." Her mom laughed and so did you.

20 minutes later you heard a car door slam. You looked out of Sadies bedroom window and saw her walking up the driveway.

"Shes here." You told Mitchell.

Mitchell stood in the corner, filming Sadies bedroom door so that he could get her reaction once she walked in, and you sat on your bed, awaiting your gorgeous girlfriend's arrival.

A few minutes later, Sadies bedroom door opened and she walked in. Her jaw dropped as she took a look around the room. Her eyes finally landed on you sitting on the bed.

"Hey, baby." You smiled.

"What did you do!" She laughed.

"Its my face." You said as you stood up and walked over to her.

"Why?" She laughed.

"Because who wouldn't want pictures of me all over their bedroom walls?" You said in a duh tone causing Sadie to laugh more.

You wrapped your arms around Sadies waist and Sadie wrapped her arms around your neck as she kissed you.

"Do you like it?" You asked once she pulled away.

"I have mixed feelings." She smiled.

"Well, get used to them because they're never coming down." You laughed.

"Why would I meed pictures of you when I have the real you living 15 minutes away from me?" She asked.

"Now you never have to miss me." You smirked.

She rolled her eyes before giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

"Well, guys. That was Sadies bedroom make over." You concluded as Sadie stood in front of you with her back pressed up against your front. You wrapped your arms around Sadies neck. "Make sure you like and subscribe and I'll see you for next weeks video."

"Now take down all these pictures." Sadie told you as Mitchell put down your camera.

"Why?" You whined.

"Because they're starting to creep me out. I feel like they're all watching me." Sadie said as she sat down on her bed.

You sighed and looked at Mitchell for help but all he did was shake his head.

"This is all you." He said before leaving and shutting the door.

You went over to Sadie and laid down next to her.

"Hey. What did I just say?" She sternly said.

"Sadie, im tired. I want cuddles and kisses." You pouted.

"I'll cuddle with you and give you as much kisses as you want after you take down all these pictures." She told you.

You groaned before standing up and getting to work.

Sadie laughed at your whining. "I love you."

"If you really loved me you'd keep these photos up." You told her.

Sadie let out a laugh as she watched you.

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