Drunk | M.M.

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"Y/n!" Your best friend, Max, shouted as she ran into your apartment and tackled you in a hug.

"Hey, Max." You smiled at her.

"Wanna go to a party with me?" She asked.

"What? You know I hate parties." You told her.

"Please! I don't wanna go alone." Max begged as she gave you her puppy dog eyes.

Don't fall for it, y/n. It's a trap.

You tried to look away from her eyes but you just couldn't. They were your biggest weakness.

"Ugh. Fine." You gave in.

"Yay!" Max cheered before pulling you out of your apartment.

"Shouldn't I change?" You asked as she pushed you into her car.

"No, you look fine." She told you before pulling out of your driveway.


Once you got to the party, Max immediately ran off to the drink table. You followed her because as her best friend you wanted to make sure she didn't drink to much. You watched as she filled a cup with beer all the way to the top.

"I guess I'm driving home." You said.

"You want some?" Max offered you her cup.

"Uh, no thanks." You denied. "Try not to drink too much."

"Oh, come on, y/n/n. Have a little fun!" Max smiled.

"I'll have fun without drinking." You told her.

"Suit yourself."

And with that she ran off somewhere.

"Wait, Max!" You called after her but she was already gone. "Great. Now i'm alone at a party with people I don't know."


You turned around and saw your other best friend, El. She also had a drink in her hand but you could tell she was controlling herself.

"What are you doing here?" El asked.

"Well, I was babysitting Max but she ran off somewhere." You told her as you looked around for Max. "I better go find her."


About an hour had passed and you still couldn't find Max. You wandered around aimlessly hoping you would bump into her. Hopefully she wasn't too drunk.

"Have you seen Max?" You asked a random kid.

"No." The kid said.

You groaned before walking away. "Max?! Where are you!"


You turned around to see Max dancing on the table with yet another full cup of beer in her hand. You widened your eyes and ran over there.


"Oh, hey, y/n/n." She smiled at you.

"What are you doing up there?" You asked her.

"Dancing. Obvi." Max rolled her eyes before taking another sip of her drink. "Man, it's hot in here." She fanned herself with her hand before pulling off her shirt and continuing to dance.

Everyone looked at her and cheered. You even heard a couple guys wolf whistle. You didn't know why people were cheering but you assumed it was because Max was a hot girl with a good looking body.

"I'm taking you home." You took her hand and pulled her down from the table.

"No!" She tried to pull away from you.

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